Guess you won’t be taking the rainbow sherbet…
posted on 27 Apr 2010 in Drinks
Anything in between, like binapple juice?
Photo courtesy of Judith Schaechter.
Drinks found at Japanese supermarket.
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Just add bi sugar crystals.
“Non homo” milk and “Straight” tea! I suppose the beverages for gays are in the “fruity” drink section…!
Excuse me, do you have a bi-curious frapuccino?
Straight Tea with Non Homo Milk would be OK, but I think one of those might be a product of the Health Prevention Dept.
I’ll take the Homo Milk (not pictured) in my Straight Tea, thanks.
The concept of “Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell” was completely lost at a Japanese PX…
@FatKenney: Yeah, they call it “frappuccino.”
You know what’d go great with that milk? Homophobic Lorna Doones.
To remove every last bit of horniness, drink at least 3 cups of “Straight Tea” a day and add some of the “non homo milk” for maximum effect.
I know there’s a joke in there somewhere about cream, but I’m trying to tone down the vulgarity (and failing, apparently)
don’t ask; no refills
I can’t find the mince.
The milk and the tea aren’t even 2% curious about eachother.
He thought he was hiding it well, but everyone knew he kept sausage links in his meat drawer.
Either straight tea or homo milk will go great with my lesbeans & rice!
Lezbie friends? *wince*
That tea is way past its expiration date.
“Dahlin, could you please get that milk out of the closet?”
“Which one? There’s only a jar of bi-carbonate”
“Check under the shelf of Egyptian hommos?”
“Never mind- I’m ordering my dinner… , Hello! Is it the Flung poo restaurant? Could you please deliver me the sou… yes… I mean, cream of sem-yeng-gai?”
On a serious note- they meant non-homogenised milk.
As opposed to Harvey Milk…
Where is it being, the LGBTea?
well talk about store thats old age…
From cows who know their place: barefoot and in the pasture.
It can’t touch other tea.
What exactly is going on in Japanese refridgerators when the light goes out?
That’s just great! Now there are hateful food items!
This lactose is intolerant!
well..where is the curved tea?
Another case of whisky “neat” versus whisky “tidy”
discriminative and hateful food items. GMO has been so advanced these days…
At last! A gender-sensitive supermarket – too bad they’re not that politically correct.
What’s more confusing.. I recognised enough Katakana to tell that “Straight Tea” was exactly what they meant to say..
The only drinks served at the Westboro Baptist Church.
Lesbos and Flossie (she likes to be called Spike) are a little under the weather so we couldn’t use their milk. Truth in labelling has gone too far in my opinion. Either way it’s just milk.
In Canada, Homo Milk is what is written on all 3.25% milk fat milk. Everywhere. Seriously.
I wonder what there apple-tinis say…
Sponsored by the Republican Party.
Guess that isn’t Harvey Milk then.
I came into this store for a pack of Barney Frankfurters, guess I’m not gonna find em here.
But im bi 🙁 stupid beverages, i never liked u anyways :O
For those of those thinking this is another case of discrimination, “Non Homo Milk” means Non-Homogenized, and “Straight Tea” is what the Japanese call as tea with no milk added.
Is the milk marketed to describe the cow or attract the desired purchaser?
@cocaslocas Or, somewhere in here, you can also remove horniness with a Cherry Face
Straight tea: refreshing and exciting, to prevent the usual boredom that may occur with heterosexuality.
It’s a very conservative refrigerator…
I wonder if theres any gaytorade?
Haha. I think that’s all you get to drink at those religious clinics that claim to cure your h***sexuality, then you must drink these two forever after until your new “lifestyle” takes.
in Soviet Russia, lactose intolerates YOU!
I guess there is no room for gays in this supermarket!
Not found in California…..
Do either of these contain bi-products?