Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
For ex-girlfriends and nerds
posted on 2 Apr 2010 in Stationery
All the cool kids are using them! Okay, I lied.
Photo courtesy of Adam Rosado.
Swastika is actually reverse of Nazi symbol –
usually signifying a Buddhist temple in Japan.
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It makes the “Kiss me” sound really desperate …
“Kiss Me, I’m Lame!”
When the Brits decided to call them Temporary Tattoos, it was all but lost for the 3rd Reich…
NOW you tell me! Just last week I went out and got some lame tattoos and assorted lame piercings!
I’m legless
Sticker. Makes the body lamely.
Algernon | 3:21 am | Vote: 1 0
I’m legless
Yes, it’s rather offensive to cripples, isn’t it? Whoops!
Lame people alight here.
I was in bus one day in Brissie and I saw a sign….BLIND PEOPLE ALIGHT HERE…. I looked out, but I couldn’t see any blind peopel burning anywhere.,
EDIT: People hahahahahhah.
Yes, these should clearly be called ‘Differently Abled People Body Stickers’
The “S” in sticker is actually a backwards G-clef. Maybe they’re trying to market to that all-important music geek segment.
Truth in labelling at last!
Clearance sale…we’ve got swastikas up the ying-yang!
if it’s lame, why sell it?
Tribal Nazi tattoos. That’s just lame!
What’s more lame? The Nasty Nazi or the Luck ‘o the Irish look?
What’s with the sperm swimming in a circle?
talk about truth in advertising..those are lame
Looks like the geniuses in the advertising department were thinking of “lamé”, a brocade material with tinsel threads in it…It says in hiragana “ra-mi” which sounds like “rah-may”. Oh for the want of a little windswept hat on the letter “e’.
“Kiss Me: I’m an Irish-Nazi Buddhist!”
Also available on MySpace! 😉
The three steps to business success:
1. Clever shopkeeper,
2. Lame body stickers,
3. Stupid customers! 🙂
Oh like, what are these lame body sticker things? And like, what is those lame swirly black things? Pollywogs?! Oh like, gag me with a spoon, okaaay?! Barf out! Fer sure!!
At least they’re being honest…
This isn’t Engrish, this is truth!
I too thought the sight if the “Swastikas” was funny until my asian room mate enlightened me and told me that it is the symbol for the Buddah in Asian culture. Look it up, the swastika is flipped around and sits on an angle with a point facing upwards… the Nazi’s weren’t so original after all…
Are they stickers or tattoos? Because if they’re tattoos, that swastika is backwards. And if they’re stickers…it’s still glittery.
Right next to the Retarded Bumper Stickers, the Spazoid Temporary Tattoos and the Totally Gay Keychain Charms.
actually it’s not engrish, i’d say this one’s correct..
lamé is a shiny fabric, just missing the accent on the e
RickiDF: Yeah. People not familiar with Buddhism may whince and think they walked into neo nazi-land if they go to Asia. But the truth is, the Nazis hijacked the symbol. Which is sad.
Now you can have your very own Charles Manson forehead Swastika tattoo without permanent repercussions! Perfect for the commitment-shy neo-nazi/raving lunatic.
Ying Yang and the the Nazis finaly together on one lame body
More truth in advertising
… and lame they are!
Brought to you by the good people of the KKK Japanese chapter.