Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for your dairy life
The more the childie, the more happy time!
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How do you band your eyes?
Warning: Choking Hazard – Small part.
Not for less than one childie.
Those of lower intellect may not have happy time…
Must be an intelligent childie if he’s going to build a manifold with this. That must be what Super Intellect Racing is all about…
Q: How old are you, sweetie?
A: Five childies old.
Q: How do you like your toy, honey?
A: I dunno. They banded my eyes!
Careful small parts are not for eating.
211 pieces? So that means dad will have to build it. 🙂
Is that an erection set?
Caution: for those of Super Intellect only! Those of lesser intellect please see our line of coffee can and kitchen spoon deluxe drum set.
I just flew in from Ackerman Corp and boy are my arms tired! But I tell you folks, if you really want to have very good play time, you need one childie and an up!
*Those in attendance then stormed out, demanding a refund, as Super Intellect Racing had clearly not been a funny toy. Just tired out and offensive. The feds also placed a super restraining order on it, banding its eyes from seeing any childie.
The lead paint will take care of that intellect pretty quick.
Einstein would probably win this very good play game.
One childie and up? When Snowhite emerged from the shower, she saw 7 up! 🙂
MOM!! This is Super Intellect Racing. I wanted NASCAR Crash And Die Racing!
I feel Super Smarter already!
Ow! My eyes! Why have you branded my eyes!?
Very good play game! Uh yes, because that’s precisely what you do with games… you play ’em.
it takes a village to raise one childie
“Contents may vary from illustrations,” but let us assure you that you’re buying 211 pieces of something funny and very good!
Naughty Toyota! You have child labour building your manifolds.
Super Intellect or not, “No childie left behind”, that’s what I always say.
That, and “Band your eyes!”. Don’t know what it means, if Mr Ackerman says it, then I’m in !
“Specifications, Colours, and Contents May Vary from Illustrations”
Geez…I can just picture it now: “HONEY!!!….Why on EARTH did you buy little Johnny a BLOW UP DOLL????”
The more happy time, the more childie!
You’ll band your eye out!
These Asian brain training games are getting ridiculous.
this is what happens when you play tooo long your eyes get banded
very good play for the Ackerman
Warn to you! Don’t choking! Not to putting in mouth or the chilDIE!
Band eyes? Don’t you mean Bandai?
The more the merrier…
I have this. It is so epic.
One childie and up is not happy time. No childie is happy time!!!!
(eye bands are worn on military helmets)
By the time the lead paint gets to them there will be no childies