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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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posted on 22 Mar 2010 in Signs
Japanese Village People just don’t have the same feel…
Photo courtesy of Gregory Price.
Ad for chewing gum featuring popular Japanese band KAT-TUN.
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Japan’s version of the Fab Five. They’re known as the Super Six…
Hairdressers and Fashion Designers by day; crimefighters and fashion police by night. It’s the Gay Power Rangers! Fruit Power!!!
You’ve heard of the Justice League America? The Justice League Japan is less into super villains, and more into civil rights causes.
Who are you calling a poof!
Get some fruit into you!
And, crossing the line entirely now, they are of course the alter egos of the less pretty and variously challenged ‘Super Vegetables’
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are the two middle fruits each holding something fruit shaped? And what is the black haired fruit pointing at??? The mind boggles.
I’m going bananas over these guys!
Gay Preppies of Japan.
We chew gum and wear sweaters.
They’ll put their lives on the lime for you.
♫ ♪ Oooh, tempted by the fruit of another… ♫ ♪
Oh, I like the edgy one in the sweater…
I blame the Wiggles …
Well, the blonde DOES make me think of Ellen DeGeneres.
Vegetables just don’t have the same power.
well atleast they warn you how bad they are
Well, that’s just loopy.
Taking gay pride to a new level.
From the people who brought you the Spice Girls — it’s the Fruit Boys!!
That’s a famous boy-band called KAT-TUN. But yes, it’s still funny because they do act quite gay. ^__^
I saw this ad on the trains last year and emailed it to my family and gay friends…soooo gay! People here say they are not gay in real life but who knows. Think most of the Fruit Power gang is SMAP,most popular gaylike group in Japan for years. Loved by all. Laughed at by all foreigners, I suspect. Anyway, funny!
It’s the Gay6Mafia
Japan’s only transvestite club!
With the help of Toucan Sam, six ordinary Japanese teenagers transform into the Mega Mighty Frooty Loopers, and unleash the powers of cherry, orange, lemon, lime and berry!! Coming soon to a cereal bowl near you!!
Lmao, that’s KAT-TUN X’DDDD
Furits have the power on a pinky background.
They’ve been spending WAY too much time at TamaPlaza.
jjhitt | 6:47 pm | Vote: 0 0
They’ve been spending WAY too much time at TamaPlaza.
I think they’ve been going to the other one, where you can ‘Feel each other’
the original Power-Puff Girls !
Just what the world needs, a gay Beavis.
at least they didn’t spell it as POWDER OF FRUITS.
LOL that’s a Japanese boy band called KAT-TUN.
KAT-TUN. On Engrish.com.
You’ve failed me, Taguchi/Nakamaru.
They’re beautifully gay at least. 😀
HAHA KAT-TUN! and here i was expecting Jin to be criticized.
Second only to the power of Nuts!
this looks like a new sitcom….the chinese version of gay friends..
“we are the fruities!”
kat-tun~! lol
Yay for KAT-TUN!
blame it on richard Simmon’s!
Carson Kressly moves into music management.
lol thats hilarious!!! XD
no but seriously Kat-tun is amazing and I ♥ them
especially Ueda-kun!!!
The one on the left looks like a vegetable to me.
KAT-TUN isnt gay but i do love them anyway ;DDD
they aren’t Gay >.< especially not the blond one his ex girlfriends are girls with big boobs and one of them is a porn actress…
KAT-TUN is an awesome group in Japan…very popular.
OMG, I LOVE KAT TUN! JIN AKANISHI (2nd from the right) is friggin HAWT!
Kat Tun or Cartoon?