Very remember!
Photo courtesy of Cengiz Gencer. Found in Asian grocery store in Sydney, Australia.
Fashionable aftertaste. Just unable to to workout what it is.
Their mint flavoured contraceptive would be called
Mmm… You can really taste the dispute.
I just knew Willy Wonka would show up at Milan Fashion Week! He always had a great sense of style and taste.
It becomes more delicious when you wear it…
Damn! Just can’t get that taste out of my mouth!
I hope the aftertaste is something that will go well with other flavors…
Many happy returns!
I can’t believe it’s not nuts!
It’s made from people.
Aftertaste without end. Amen.
Oh, go ahead and tell. You know you want to.
Sell the good taste while it’s still hot!
This product will improve your memory but disable your debating skills.
They’re right. Their main competitor, the Icantell corporation, was unable to dispute their claim that their snacks are more delicious.
I’ve brushed my teeth six times but I can still taste their nuts!
The endless aftertaste better be a good one.
Urrgh! Whaddafukizzit?
Maybe that’s why the Cambodian corpses are so miserable–the aftertaste lasts even after you’re dead.
ME: Do you hot sell the good taste? SHOPKEEPER: Unable dispute! ME: Kangbaien fashionable? SHOPKEEPER: MoredeliciousthanIcantell… ME: Aftertaste? SHOPKEEPER: Without end! ME: Very purchase.
No. I said, “Show them you’re nuts.”
Aftertaste for afterlife.
why do i think of “slap chop”?
now should we tease the asians or the aussies?
Heartburn without cure.
Sorry but this is not a Japanese snack! Let’s learn difference between Japan, China, Corea and other asian countries!
@japanese flower: it’s Korea, not Corea. Unless you can’t spell.
You will taste it forever! WARNING: Do not ever eat again after this; the flavor will be good enough.
Fashionable aftertaste. Just unable to to workout what it is.
Their mint flavoured contraceptive would be called
Mmm… You can really taste the dispute.
I just knew Willy Wonka would show up at Milan Fashion Week! He always had a great sense of style and taste.
It becomes more delicious when you wear it…
Damn! Just can’t get that taste out of my mouth!
I hope the aftertaste is something that will go well with other flavors…
Many happy returns!
I can’t believe it’s not nuts!
It’s made from people.
Aftertaste without end. Amen.
Oh, go ahead and tell. You know you want to.
Sell the good taste while it’s still hot!
This product will improve your memory but disable your debating skills.
They’re right. Their main competitor, the Icantell corporation, was unable to dispute their claim that their snacks are more delicious.
I’ve brushed my teeth six times but I can still taste their nuts!
The endless aftertaste better be a good one.
Urrgh! Whaddafukizzit?
Maybe that’s why the Cambodian corpses are so miserable–the aftertaste lasts even after you’re dead.
ME: Do you hot sell the good taste?
SHOPKEEPER: Unable dispute!
ME: Kangbaien fashionable?
SHOPKEEPER: MoredeliciousthanIcantell…
ME: Aftertaste?
SHOPKEEPER: Without end!
ME: Very purchase.
No. I said, “Show them you’re nuts.”
Aftertaste for afterlife.
why do i think of “slap chop”?
now should we tease the asians or the aussies?
Heartburn without cure.
Sorry but this is not a Japanese snack!
Let’s learn difference between Japan, China, Corea and other asian countries!
@japanese flower: it’s Korea, not Corea. Unless you can’t spell.
You will taste it forever! WARNING: Do not ever eat again after this; the flavor will be good enough.