Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
I think they meant ‘flied’…
Part of our pu pu menu…
Photo courtesy of Chris Davidson-Rose.
Found at restaurant in Guangzhou, China.
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When only the best will do and isn’t that all the time.
I hope that royal style sauce isn’t what I think it is…
Well, royals are famous for thinking their crab doesn’t stink, but this is ridiculous.
Waiter! There’s a crustacean in my crap!
“Our meals always result in a royal flush!”
Number 2 on the menu
I don’t know what’s worse, Fried Crap or Fried Clap
Tell it like it is…
The key is in the crust of panko breading. Otherwise the whole dish comes out crappy!
Talk about your royal high-ass…
A king crap?
You are what you eat. Now I understand why the royals are made of craps.
What a waste of royal style sauce.
Fried Crap with Royal Style Hershey sauce
What a waste of crap.
Fried crap with royal style sauce yum
Crap for the kings and queens of the world.
Royal crap? Ooh, give me two scoops of that!
Oh, holly ….. royal style !!
A modified version consumed during lent is called “Holy Sh*t!”
Is this purple or golden?
Flied Crap is nothing to clap about.
Upgrade to the Imperial Sauce and we’ll pick the corn out of it for you.
How many kinds of it can we think of?
…And that’s what you get for choosing to eat at Buger King! 😮 🙂
thats one royally crappy meal
Fried crap is so unhealthy. Steamed or broiled crap is much better for you.
Yes. I think I have eaten at a restaurant like that too.
Passed by the Department of Health.
New insult: Eat Crab and Die!
Haha @Pete. Eat and don’t crab, and you will surely die.
With your faithful client card, buy 10 and get a free enema!
If that’s a crap, then whoever did it will have a right royal pain in the . . .
My doctor told me I should cut down on the fried crap…
Hey kids! Every crappy meal now comes with a crappy toy!!
Some people take a crap in the oceans, thus polluting them. I guess this item was caught from one of these oceans
You can’t polish a turd. You can, however, give it a delightful topping of royal style sauce.
Flied Clap with Loyal Styre Sauce would be a better way to spell it.
I’ll have my CRAB (not crap) boiled, not fried.
Corn 50 cents extra.
At least they serve their crap with class.
thank goodness for the royal sauce or else this would taste like crap