Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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My hearf is full of word…
Your word went straight to my hearf…
Photo courtesy of Greg Hjertager.
Shirt found in Shanghai, China.
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Oh, so many options: My hearf will go on. Total eclipse of the hearf. Unbreak my hearf….
Hearf of the matter. Hearf and soul. Hearf-shaped box….
Hearf to hearf. You’ll be in my hearf. Hearf of glass…,
Tired with a pretty bowe
An emborism of luff.
So the secret of happiness lies within the hearth, and it is there I shall find the answer…
Oh no…The fire is going! Somebody pass me the extinguisher – QUICKLY!!! 😮 🙂
Kitty is burning within the hearth of the fire…And my happiness is assured. [Evil_Grin]
My hearf is like…. Word up!
If a murf is feline flatulence, what’s a hearf?
Helly Kitty makes me want to bearf.
Hearf, hearf, hearf…. Hello Kitty with a hairball.
secret? well someone let the hello kitty outta the bag
It’s beyond word, so they make up a new word.
How sweet.
Makes me feel sick.
Hearf, hearf, hearrrrrffff.
Home is where the harfe iv
The secret is beyond Word or Excel. Access to Kitty-chan is only through PowerPoinf.
Can you help me find the Hello Klingon shirt? My heard is full of Worf.
“The secret of happiness is in the heart, yo.”
I’m having a hearf affack!
I can only fay “hearf” becaufe I woft my teef…
Hello Kitty must be very old. Her breasts hang down below her dress.
Hearf! Love it! I am going to give my wife hearf as a nick name
Cats don’t have breafts.
I am feechless!
MSGangster, you forgot one…Don’t go breakin’ my hearf
aww, how cute… the arm-like boner is wearing a hat
how on earth do you mess up drawing something like Hello Kitty? Engrish t-shirt designers must be hiring any stearfing artist they find these days.
Here I sit,
Broken – hearfed
Tried to sit
But only farfed…
Uggh. Makes me wanna bearf.
hearf a dearf