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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Fear of frying?
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Man, that gum just RANKS.
Just try to brush chattering teeth …
Your mouth may be fresh, but your breath sure isn’t…
Your mouth may be fresh but your teeth would still be cruddy….
My long fright of brushing teeth began when accidentally swallowed toothbrush…
If it’s a long fright – I believe in keeping with the horror motif – it should be “Your mouth may be flesh.”
No foul mouth when you chew gum.
If you haven’t brushed your teeth because of a long fright, your gums may become rank too!
Are we flying into a no-brush zone?
Too much of that Black Gum?
Your mouth may be fresh but your TEETH sure aren’t…
How long, exactly, would you say that you’ve had this fear?
Ah! The old flight of frying syndrome. Assume the “crash position” and kiss your ass goodbye.
Your mouth may be fresh…may be not.
@Ralph: Don’t you mean the clash position?
Finally, someone who hates visiting the dentist more than I do.
And when the bell tolls twelve, the frightful toothbrush walks the streets. It may be coming for you!
Long fright as the Ides of March draw nigh.
Chewing gum? I hope you brought enough for everybody…
You should try the flavour of our Number Two Gum.
No wolly of teeth. After frying, we cut head off to prate you.. YUMM Flesh fried.
I haven’t seen a dentist for a while, my breath stinks.
Damn these invisible dentists.
Your mouth may be fresh, but your theeth could also be SO FRICKIN’ FRIGHTENED THEY JUST RUN THE HELL AWAY.
Special features on our long frights- airsickness bags and incontinence diapers!
Here, chew some gum before you scream again.
I feel you, man. Those toothbrushes are freakin’ SCARY!
You’ve heard of “9 out of 10 dentists?” Well, this is the other guy.
Dear god! It never hit me that my mouth could be fresh!
this must be the chinese version of stride…
But if my mouth may not be fresh, the fright attendant may not to kiss me.
Long fright huh…he should definitely stay in during Halloween
The best way to get over a phobia is through controlled exposure. Start with a pea-size amount of Crest and slowly build up.
I think that guy has suffered of frygrillphobia, but chewing bubblegum makes it worse!
What they did to me in those dental camps is just . . . unspeakable. It is still so ‘fresh’ in my mind.
he’s afriaid to brush his teeth. don’t make fun of him.
Sure, they can get a word like “xylitol” right, but screw up “flight”. Go figure.
Honest commercials FTW!
“You may be fresh”
because everyone knows there’s no water on long frights.
Now just stop screaming so I can jam the gum in!
Don’t you get a fresh mouth with me young man!
your mouth may be fresh… I sense a “but” there
As with other sugar alcohols, with the exception of erythritol, consumption in excess of one’s laxation threshold (the amount of sweetener that can be consumed before abdominal discomfort sets in) can result in temporary gastrointestinal side effects, such as bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea.
I’d have a fear of frying too!
Your mouth MAY be fresh but we cant guarantee anything.
Your mouth may be fresh, but no refunds if it doesn’t work.
Who needs mouthwash?