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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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posted on 29 Mar 2010 in Chinglish
If you haven’t passed through anybody, you haven’t lived…
Photo courtesy of Juan Mazar Barnett.
Found outside hotel in Beijing, China.
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No touching other neople!
Ever since the prohibition pause I’ve been touching everything and moving about with difficulty as I pass through at least five people most greatly. Shame, as I really wanted to go inside to use the bathroom.
♪ ♫ “… Neople who need neople…” ♫ ♪
They’re moving about with difficulty because there’s been a pause in Prohibition.
“Hey, look at the lady over there with the five neoples!”
No touching the neoples!
But if we can’t touch them, how do we pass through them?
I most greatly pass through 5 neoples on great path to work.
Don’t even try saying neoples fast XD. I wonder if they’re related to neopets.
Brought to you by the Neople’s Party of China
The invisble man returns with the ability to pass through 5 neople
Ahh neople and their phases
If you pause the neople might pass through you.
Imagine a giant automated revolving door….
During the Prohibition pause, the neoples can drink all they feel like.
Is that five neople abreast or anyhow?
Language apart, china is also dubious for stiff neople…
I know anything you can’t fit in your mouth is wasted….But 5 a breaf.
As these look to be instructions for a powered revolving door…
Prohibition Superman! 😀
Pause for the prohibition! Must pass through no more than five neople without touching…Otherwise the Police must some people accompany with difficulty! 😮
“Sorry, sir, that passing can hardly be deemed ‘most greatly.’ Please start again.”
Neople suck.
All your neoples are us!
I wanted to pass through 5 neople, but I couldn’t find a child to accompany me.
do no touch the drunk family during prohibition…
Soylent green is NEOPLE!
OK, this is one of the GREAT ONES! Has everything. I want the bag and the t-shirt desperately.
A very exclusive neople club we are.
If neople eat more fibre, we can pass through them more easily/
“The child and moving about with difficulty must some people accompany” I sense Yoda has been here.
I’d most graciously pass through 5 neople
How do we pass through neople?5 neople?
If there’s a prohibition pause anyway, why bother obeying the prohibitions? Let’s all be naughty and pass greatly through 6 neople while touching them and leaving those with difficulty moving about behind.
So I presume Smorking is allowed?
Yoda was then fired from the sign making department for good.
no touching the 5 neoples while trying to pass thru them and accompany the lil neople the may get lost during the pass…
not vaild where prohibited…see offer for details
did i get that right? what a confusing coopin
How can I greatly move through 5 neople when my child moves about with difficulty?
All these neople make it difficult to move around.
That’s enough prohibitions for now, let’s give the viewer some Prohibition Pause.
neople when you read sounds like nipple. It is not allowed to pause just to touch it because it is prohibited. simple as that. am i correct?
Following a terrible lab accident, unassuming young scientist Peter Parker now posseses the abilitiy to pass through up to 5 neople at a time! He is… The Neople Passer! Coming this June to Marvel Comics.
We are the Knights who saaaaay…. NEOPLE!