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Inglorious Mastars.
She’s not a mastar she’s a mistrus.
More like Engrish Mastar.
She’s learning Engrish.
Some day, talk well I will…
Mastarbate – the highest level of Engrish Mastar
…as opposed to bachelar.
I know she’s pretty cute, but you can mastar your desires. Keep it in your pants.
She is the Mastar of Linguage.
For a layman, the prospect of learning English like this is a master bait!
@beechoak Speak like yoda. 😀
Later she can study for a doctarate.
oh the irony!
Mastar is probably written like that intentionally. Not even close to a true Engrish passage.
Years of study, finarry paid off!
Mastar bullsh*tterers.
Hide of a manga can make the feel flustared.
With Cream Lemon, Mastar is the thing you will find in abundance…
“Snatch the pebble from my hand, Grasshoppar.”
Mastur is more fun.
Escalate the mastar; cream my lemon till the juice runs down my reg…
Tracklist of our new album:
1) Battary
2) Mastar Of Puppets
3) The Thang That Should Not Be
4) Sanitariam
5) Dasposable Heroes
6) Lapar Massiah
7) Orian
8) Damage Anc.
must be a really interesting book…NOT
If she’s the English Mastar, I’m the Engrish Professar.
Owner of an Engrish.com shall now be named:
…When mastarbation’s lost it’s fun…
school bores kids all over the world..heres the proof
@ James: You forgot
8) Ownar of a Ronely Hart
9) Majar Tom
10) Doctar Feelgood
In Turkish “Mastar” means “infinitive clause” That can make some sense, via Turkish though….
Mastar and Commandar.
thats my favorite metallica album, “mastar of puppets”
Might want to “Master”, how to spell the would Master first before learning English…this book does not look like it could help you in either way……
Masters Degree in Engrish!
I soupport publick edukation.
Yo, Katsumi! Mastar this!
The Root Of The Cause…
Can you masturbate?
probably, a pervart book was under that fake cover.
The true definition of irony…..
Cream Lemon is a hentai…
Books can be liars too.
I don’t get it. I don’t see no impropar English.
She’s bored it’s not Mastur!
Good thang A braught may taxtbook sa A wan’t have ta capy aff af har.
That ain’t English, it’s Anglish!
That’s Anglish!
She mast be satisfied!