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The pinnacle of VIPCAR travel is not in it’s high-quality, comfortable service… but in rambunctious nonsensical gibberish.
I don’t want my last memory to be aggressively force fed and then hit by a Bus no matter how sensible it may seem to them
JP makes some very good body kits and rims, but their Engrish is rubbish.
“we want only to be only the first and last memory keeper”
Yeah I wasn’t born in a bus and I dont want my kids to be either
“…from everlasting to everlasting. Amen.”
VIP dress up party hey? I was thinking either a Playboy Bunny or the cop out of the Village People…choices, choices…
I’m always aware of rambunctous buses
I can’t tell if this is a result of their “tradition of eeriness” or if there is a problem with their random word generator.
Looks like he got rear-ended by a truck that was hauling adjectives!
” Thanks for visiting our boot.”
better fed back than fed up…!
Sensibility user!
After 10 bumper reading accidents, copywriter Yoo was forced to switch to the more conventional 5-Word bumper sticker.
“From everlasting to everlasting” Sounds more like an undertaker.
Eerily meaningless as “To Everlasting, and Beyond!”
And if you can read this, you’re driving TOO DARN CLOSE!!!
I read you!
Rambunctiousness is to Hullaballoo
as Everlasting is to…?
Imagine having all that bull$hit tattooed on your a$$!
Hey Mack, back it up! I don’t think he got our point!
Big words, little sense.
If you want to feed back aggressively the tradition of austere elegance in which only prestige car has, it might be a little more successful if you don’t ferry your passengers around in one of the cheapest Daewoo minibuses on the market… 😉
The “High Society Saloon Gallery” was obviously a little higher than usual when they came up with that slogan… 😉
quote Grifter – “And if you can read this, you’re driving TOO DARN CLOSE!!!”
And it you can make any sense of it, you’re VERY CRAZY and you should get out of your rambunctious austere car…
Slightly OT: With regard to the Junction Produce website at http://www.junction-produce.co.jp/english/ – It doesn’t get any better. The following is cut ‘n’ pasted from their “contact us” form:
For any inquiry of questions, please fill up the blanks below and click on “Submit” and we will return to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
…So they’ll reply ASAP by e-mail, or do they want me to wait by my PC whilst they write a response? IU honestly can’t tell… 🙂
“Found in back of bus in Korea” Hmm, that’s Engrish enough for me…
I’ve always wanted an eery, rambunctious car!
So what you’re saying is, you sell cars?
If VIP Dress-up and eeriness are combined, does that mean I should dress as if I am going to my own funeral?
If VIP Dress-up and eeriness are combined, does that mean I should dress as if I am going to my own funeral?
Agressive rambunctious feedback already made our sensible bunny retire.
I would aggressively fed back that you hire a new translator.
I’m the one who snapped that photo. A couple of notes: First, that was on the back of a full-size bus, not a minibus. And Dae-u (대우) buses are very common here. The fact that Dae-u romanizes their name as Daewoo (with a w) is Konglish in its own right, since the w sound can’t occur in Korean where they write it, and Korean romanization is designed to be similar to English pronunciation. Since I took that picture, I’ve seen the same text on four or five motor scooters and a car or two. So, it must be a part… Read more »
Eerie AND rambunctious? Sounds like the bus is possessed! O__o Combine that with the prayer-like ending (from everlasting to everlasting), I’m guessing the bus doubles as a multiple-body hearse!
High Society Saloon Gallery ?! I guess after a couple of bottles of Ol’ Red Eye, anything makes sense, pardner.
Where’s Miss Kitty at ?
Doesn’t anyone else recognize this from two months ago? https://engrish.com/2009/11/junction-produce-of-vipcar/
New film: Invasion of the Passenger Snatchers
This is a misprint. It’s actually the summary of a badly translated anime. Somewhere there’s a crateload of DVDs each bearing, “This vehicle makes stops in the frequent.” The case fronts feature old, well-dressed, ghostly, animated people who apparently climb the walls.
@Scott, thanks for popping in and giving some more info. I love subtext and subtext!
…Now sit down and shut up.
I don’t know what’s more disturbing – Scott saying this was from a full-size bus or that he’s seen the same text on four or five motor scooters since.
Motor scooters?
How many declarations do you have? 71 of 1116 ???
They want to be my “first and last memory”, and carry me from “everlasting to everlasting”???
Do they intend to ferry me to the afterlife by means of a horrible traffic accident, resulting in my last memories of this world???
…I think I’ll take my chances walking…
If you can read this, you’ve been following too close for far too long
This is my all time favourite instance of Engrish. Well done everyone.
Sadly, this makes as much sense as most corporate mission statements.
Austere elegance? Dude, It’s a freaking Daewoo… 99% of them look like a 1989 Dodge Daytona Hatchback.
I actually understood most of that except…. eeriness??