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I’ll take the spaghetti option…
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Just the Roasted Chicken. I’ll skip the Friend Fried, I kinda like him.
Yes it’s 100% pure Deef, I Durfed it myself.
Praising your friend by saying “well done” suddenly has a scary meaning to it…
Mickey Rooney & Cheese makes a Hardy meal.
Well as long as its not the family thats fried.
I wonder… what is the taste of a fried frenchman? Because I don’t wanna fry a friend just for lunch!
Eh? Speak up, sonny…I’m deef, you know.
“Well, ya gotta have … FR-I-E-E-E-E-ENDS! La, la, la, la, la…!”
A new wrinkle on Celebrity Roast: Friend Fried!
What you get when Monica & Chandler have Ross & Rachel and Phoebe & Joey over for dinner…
Today’s Special: The Chef’s award-winning Poulet Surprise!
I think it’s safe… it’s the Roasted Chicken’s friend that is fried.
Are you deef? I just read 93 items on this menu to you!
Who would be a chicken’s friend?
If you don’t want spaghetti or macaroni we’ll have your friend fried.
Famous (chicken) last words: “Say Hello to my little friend…”
To serve man…
“Hey Sue, how are you today? What’s that big tub of oil doing in the kitchen?”
Friend. It’s what’s for dinner.
Chicken will be there for you.
After the french fried comes the natural italian-flavored pizza!
I’ll have the Friend Fried… at 4:20, hehe hehe hehehe
Correcting my earlier caption:
Deef. It’s what’s for dinner.
This will teach my friend to take my lip liner…
My friends and I just LOVE to go to this place and get fried…
Bill, you’re gonna have to take one for the team.
If I bring a French friend along, can I get a 90 AND 92 with a discount maybe?
Sometimes, a cloying, yet sickening odor would waft from the University cafeteria into the dorm windows whenever chicken-fried steak was on the menu, usually whenever dorm mates down the hall would unexplainedly go missing without a trace, or shortly thereafter.
Jillian, who worked part-time at the university cafeteria when not in class or her dorm room, would smile darkly to herself, knowing her hallmates, whom she regarded as mere sheep, were none the wiser.
Everyone hates the French, that’s why there are two options; “French Fried” and “Friend Fried”. Enjoy a ya mealo, bellissimo!
Hmmm….how about you deef fry my enemies instead?
Fast friends. Fast food.
must ….. eat ….. chicken
I’ll take my friend fried with some fava beans and a nice Chianti….fth fth fth fth fth!!!!
Most of my friends would prefer to get baked…..
Friend – the other white meat
Mmmm … french fried friend
Any friend of fried chicken is a friend of mine.
“Oh my god, they FRIED Kenny!”
I had no idea that the “Friends for dinner” series had such a gruesome twist:P
So if i call my ex-husband my “friend” can I get him fried?
thats what happens when you forget sunblock..fried friend
now you know why i am a vegan…friend leaves bad aftertaste
My friend is having the uhh “deef” fried chicken. Do I still have to pay for it after I eat him?
No, wait, I didn’t bring my friend here to eat him!
– Ga Ga to go, please.
237. Fried friends fly fries flesh crap lice vegetarian