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Quarterdeck forbidden. Sorry, Favre.
You indeed have to pay much more attention to beiow instructions…
Bummer, I really would have liked to sit someone else…
This boat is all we have, so take it or leave it!
Make sure you’re in the missionary position, many stoned people and madman here.
The missionary will demonstrate his position.
Aha…so THAT’S what missionaries do when they have to earn enough to pay the bills.
What heck is that Engrish.
I want to give a bunch of crazies, on day release from a psychiatric hospital, some wacky tobacco and put them in the line for the boat…wanna see if they can sneak past one of those missionaries that issue the instructions…
We at Laiue Country Club feel you’re not paying enough attention.
Signmaker needs to pay more attention to translation.
Signmaker was too distracted by the instuctons of the missionary.
I checked my valables. They all seem okay. What’s next?
Pull on my life jacket? Kinky.
OK…I guess Mao lives on: Telling us to pull on our lifejackets instead of pulling on something else.
Oooh… Tourette’s on a sign!
#9… Poor Tommy Chong… He’ll never enjoy the privilege of taking or leaving the boat.
Aiways remember speiilng is imporfanf
“waterbome amusement” –Does this mean I’m going to get wet?
Stoned madmen, however, are acceptable.
Damn, I never get to go on these things!
#9…Well, I guess Lex Luthor can’t enjoy the watorbomo amueoment.
Oh noes! What’s with all the O’s?
Just when they got out of the SMORKING phase, now it’s the “Smoking is TORBIDDEN”. Dang it.
Well, of course, Dumpling! If there’s a large moving Torb about, you’re darn well gonna do its bidding!
I failed the first test. My valuables aren’t checked. They are a sort of brownish whitish color. Maybe Scots might qualify.
Do not eaf the torbidden truit!
Not that impressed with this boat… I can take it or leave it. (#7)
“Please take care of the elders and the kids” — tsk, that’s exactly what I said to my sister before we left on this vacation…
This is discrimination against stoned people, madman, and othen people!!!
Stoned people, madman and othen people that are not suitable need not apply for a job as English translator.
Pay special attention to the third rule, sit yourself and pull on your life jacket. Amen
” Oh, the weather outside is torbid ! “
“I’m on a boat! Missionary!”
Do I really want to know what quarterdecking is?
Dear, when we listen to the missionary’s instucton, it’s not my lifejacket we pull.
as luck would have it, I’m rereading “One Flew Over the Cuckoos’ Nest,” and MacMurphy has just organized the deep sea fishing expedition. Sorry, Mac, not in Anhui!
The signmaker’s English teacher would be so proud. That he went into signmaking.
According to rule #7 when the boat is in the shore. After I finish digging it up I’ll take it home with me
Last year I started putting a deck on my house. I only got it 1/4 finished, so the house is now “quarterdecked” ….
Life jacket. Now that’s an unusual euphemism huh?
besure not crowd, right… crowded missionary sounds dangerous, no wonder stoners are refused.
Stoned people tound inoide the boat will be 1meditally stoned to deaf!
Stoned people.
Um, what was I saying…
And please refroon from making oot with other passengers in oublic. Thanking!
china’s first attempt at colonizing
It’s all fun n’ games until they ban “stoned” people.
Is it pay-back to the Chinese Government for blocking access to web, they don’t get access to a decent English translator?
Fine, I promise I won’t stand and quarterdeck but is it ok if I sit and halfmast?
Making amusement of waterborno sign is torbidden!