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Perhaps they are tasties than the slut nuts…
After the refined condiments, you can indulge in some civilized urinating.
Also comes in fish flavor.
Beans are a refined thing
And they make a tasty ring
Object of wild desire
They fried over a slow fire
(Apologies to Johnny Cash)
In about a half hour you’ll be blowing your own Bronx ChaCheers. Bravo!
Pardon me…would you have any Gley Poupon? Or other refined condiments?
Wha’dup, Bean Breath!
I’m craving something shaped like a ring…
If using wasabi, proceed with refined caution.
… and the price: ChaCHING!
Your mouth will be so fragrant, your altoids will die of shame!
Beans make better!
ChaCheer Fragrance!
Beans make better when Chacheer goes inside your mouth!
Better the fragrance from the mouth than the other end!
Maybe they don’t look ring-shaped because they were “CRAVED into the shape of a ring”, and that means something different?
Bravo! the taste and huzzah to refined condiments.
Craved??? Ah! Carved. For a moment I thought it was some sort of fetish. Naughty boy!
“Mouth full of fragrance”
‘Tis but the breaking of wind.
Better that he break it from before, rather than behind.
(Shakespeare – Midsummer Nights Dream)
♫ ♪
Cha-chew, cha-chew,
The musical fruit….
♫ ♪
(Y’all know the rest.)
They’re like onion rings made from beans!
Bean rings?
Bravo! We make tasty from the bean! Fill your mouth with perfume and condom-ents….
One Ring to crave them, One Ring to refine them,
In the Land of Mordor where the slow fires burn..
Mouth full of fragrance… like the time I sprayed the perfume tester on my tongue?
Oh no! The flatulence!
You need a mint! Your mouth is full of fragrance!
The makers of MSG proudly present Refined Condiments!
Now with condiments, ChaCheer promotes safe snacks.
♫ ♪
With these rings I promise
to always feed you, always feed you…”
♫ ♪
My sister Joanie loves Cha-Cheers
“jjhitt | 9:26 am |
One Ring to crave them, One Ring to refine them,
In the Land of Mordor where the slow fires burn..”
Pete: Is that the hiss of escaping gas?
Too much beans craved for the ring will slowly burn through… ya know the rest 😀
“jjhitt | 3:57 pm |
Pete: Is that the hiss of escaping gas?”
I guess THAT was what made Gollum the way he was!
I only eat Isy Miyaki, I’m not really a fan of Dolce and Gabana. I find it over powers my food.
You know, the good people at ChaCheer are so up-beat about their broad bean snacks that, even though I’m not much of a legume eater, I actually want to try one.
Maybe it’s subliminal Engrish?
You mean subriminal?
It makes the toilet room full of fragrance.
dont eat near open flame
Three ChaCheers for the Broad Beans!
There can be only one broad bean ring! Forged in the fires of Mt. Doom, the one true broad bean ring seeks its master… it craves its master. OH THE TASTE!