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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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You may say I’m a dreamer…
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Better not tell Al Gore…
Give a hoot, pollute!
Smog is the new green.
Copenhagen 2009: If we can’t cut emissions lets just sell the alternative!
…must be a glass half full kinda’ guy…
I knew my coal burning SUV would become fashionable again !
Ah, being awaken by birds coughing …
The rain seems to be melting the tent
Having been to China a year ago, I could NOT have expressed things better myself!
This park sponsored by the Rhino Horn Aphrodisiac Company
Let us see if the Dali Lama can see the lesson in that one.
TIBET – Where the future is NOW!!
The maker of this sign has watched Highlander II too many times.
The background used to be filled with mansions.
Dont forget to step on the grass.
Who wrote this? The Grinch?
Blue skies are gonna clear up! Put on a dismal face!
I got stung by a bee, contracted poison ivy, and ate some wild raspberries that gave me some serious squirts.
F*** Nature!
Talk about looking on the blight side
Soon, where Namso once stood will be a string of gas stations! Inexpensive motels! Restaurants serving rapidly prepared food! Tire salons… automobile dealerships… and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see! My God, it will be beautiful.
Blue skies and clean rivers piss me off.
George W Bush’s environmental policy in one short sentence.
So this is like a warning?
the futur is blight!
Buy 1 get 1 Free Hummer H2 sale…
Only you can perpetuate forest fires
Millions for propaganda, but not one cent for the environment ministry…
Why have rivers in our hands when we can VOMIT THE POND?
Don’t forget to kill pandas as well!
Great… now the environmentalist gave up to sarcasm…
People in the PRC insist on calling the industrial and coal smoke that fills the air of the large cities “Fog”.
No I’m NOT kidding.
I think we need EDO to erect some nature-unfriendly buildings in order to achieve the dream…
Is’ this the Chinese governments idea of spin?
This message brought to you by the good people of the Coal industry.
Global warming has never been so awesome!
aaaah, the joy of cutting down (Christmas) trees…
I always wondered where Captain Planet villains came from.
What a bad day in the future.
Porrution is gleat
porrution is the best sorution
— — future site of nuclear reactor.
Global Warming is great, let’s make new tropical vacation spots.
Stink globally, trash locally! A brown world is assured our mutant grandchildren.
with black and poluted sky and a brown, acid, river!
lol look at the skies. nice timing hahaha
In my hands? I was wondering where they’d gotten to!
Our rain forests gone,
our oceans full of mercury,
our forest and fauna gasping for breath.
(deep breath in: uncontrollable coughing)…look at what our hands did.
10 ways YOU can make it come true:
– use car for crossing the road
– turn on the heating when in winter, and open the winows
– forget about recicling and frow it al in the river
– never cicle
– avoid buying local products
– sponsor one of those factories that relices everything in a river
– use chemical fertilisers
– only buy exotic wood furniture
– leave everything on standby
– travel by plane when ever you can
I envision a better tomorrow, where our children are not afflicted by pristine forests and white sand beaches; where litter and medical waste grace the landscape as far as the eye can see, and where the putrid brown air stretches from horizon to horizon.
BP is certainly contributing its share right now!