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Asian woman unaware.
I guess your multiple personalities decided to kiss and make up? Which one is buying the flowers for which?
By what means
One of the more obscure football clubs in the UK.
You mean Women Chests United?
Spoony, my version:
“Japanese Woman Clueless”
I get it! Because she doesn’t look united… I’m so smart!
Finally she managed to keep her detachable body parts under control.
What, did she have Rayman syndrome?
she’s got convincing airbrush on if she’s black.
Red Sneakers Untied.
Why not? While women are divided the way they are, men will mostly be on top.
While women are split the way they are, men will mostly be on top.
Black woman united, Pajama string untied!
All woman are the same color on the inside, though.
Don’t fall apart.
“Glory glory Woman United/As the blacks go marching on, on ON!!!”
I have a dream, that one day, slogan shirts in Asia will be judged on the content of their verbiage, and not on the color of their fabric!
What did the black woman unite?
Introducing Skin Bleach! Individual results may vary in tone and hair color.
It could be Lois Lane:
I wouldn’t mind uniting with her friend. She’s SMOKIN’!
“Black Women Untied”,,,it should have read
I don’t think anything can beat the caption that the blogger already put on it…
“I sure do hate ni-
Never mind then.”
–as if wearing the shirt backward gives it justice — she blonde?
Reccomended for racists. Not allowed for white men…
just some feministic evil that wants to propose themselves as being oppressed when they are the one oppressing others.
seigihan is just some chauvantistic evil that wants to propose themselves as being oppressed when they are the one oppressing others.
Made in Untied States of Japan