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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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Silencer not included.
It’s can shoot a kielbasa up to 50 yards.
When your child doesn’t want to take his/her shower, don’t call the police. Too much trouble. Use this instead !
Oh sure, I can spell “kielbasa” right, but I can’t spell “It”.
I’m not sure a 6mm bullet is enough to stop a 4-year old in full course.
Someone took the time to name my “thing.”
Nothing better for child huntin’ than a good ole polish gun!
I try to keep all my children nicely polished. But I prefer to use Lemon Pledge.
Brings a whole new meaning to playing cops and robbers.
This is why Hitler invaded Poland first.
USA Gun: The Best for Angry Adults.
We take pride in discovering radioactivity, composing études and polonezes, and of course outsourcing juvenile firearms.
Cops and Rubbers?
It was right about this time when Officer Krajowski began thinking about a new career…
With Polish-Gun you have velly beautiful finish.
Polish toddler hunting guns have become very prevalent in China since the invasion of the Northern-European Terrible-Two’s Freedom Force in 2007.
Whatever happened to the old prevalence ? Oh well, whatever’s best for the kids.
All our Polish guns for children are guaranteed not to work.
The weapon of choice in Teeny Men Square.
“start polishing your gun Karl, you know momma asked you to do it daily”
This is my rifle, this is my gun!
This is my daughter, that is my son!
And put shine on that bayonette!
Fires pierogies accurately even at 100 meters, too!
The Chinese manufacturing manager takes his buddy, the company’s English translator to a bar. Both get sauced drinking baijiu. The CEO, slurring some words under the influence, asks “What would be a good name for our newesht product line?” The translator slurs back “We’ll call it Poleesh gun!”
And so a whole new brand of violence-inciting children’s toys was invented.
Forget the old prevalence! With this gun, Poland is back on the world stage with a new prevalence!
Instructions for use printed on inside of barrel.
And when you’re twelve, Bobby, I’ll get you a 9mm.
Perfect for playing William Tell.
John Lennon said “Happiness is a warm Polish gu – – uhhh, GIRT!”
“Bang, bang, shoot, shoot”.
; – )
Kids sure learn fast. I didn’t learn how to polish my gun until I was 12.
Polish gun, now made in China! Must come from the makers of californian mexican dried japanese…
Polish gun, best for children!
At first I thought it said, “Jew prevalence.”
That would open up a whole different set of jokes, wouldn’t it?
Polish Gun, “To operate, place thumb through trigger guard, wrap fingers around grip, and squeeze/” “For best results, hold gun in front of you, about chest high.”
Dangerous Stranger Gun, it can hurt your life!
Obey the naughty palace’s safe navigation.
Forbid shooting at a close distance when playing with the gun and artillery. Not permit to peer the gunpoint with your eyes.
Buyers beware!! Polish guns are not made in Poland!
Those kids in the Eastern Block are hardcore!
“KieÅ‚basa” is actually spelled with a bar through the L, just saying.
Apparently, the Polish got sick of all the stupid jokes and are using these fake guns to train their children until they’re old enough for the real thing to get the ultimate revenge!
…Nah, they’re too dumb to do something like tha-BANG!!! *death*
Does it actually fire Polish?
If you kill someone with it, did you polish him off?
I’m not the only one who hates children, then! 😀
Ahh…But the German gun (No. 110) has thrice the range, twice the firepower, lasts longer, and only costs Â¥10 more! 🙂
They call this one the Saturday morning special.
wow, those Poles are REALLY serious about ZPG!!
whenever I have a child infestation, I just reach for my polish gun…
Polish gun… made in China.
They either mean its a shiny pistol or a pistol of Polish manufacture. The pattern does resemble a Makarov PMM. Radom of Poland manufactured a licensed copy of this pistol. Its possible this design is well known in China. The grip markings somewhat resemble the design found in on Radom pistols.
No waiting period. 6 mm bullets not included. I have PM40 and a gun, any questions?