Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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New 100% fiber Wheat Thins
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Served with syringe instead of chop sticks…
all for only 8RMB, what a bargain!
Projectile Fiber!
Helping you drop your “Little Boy” since 1945!
Go ahead…make my day!
When Wu Dan’s Blasting Powder just isn’t enough.
Your in-flight meal over Baghdad
Not your average “chips & dip”…
brought to you by the Al Qaeda of China
Tonight we have appetizers. Tomorrow we have the bombing enema…
Make sure you have plenty of the 300-sh*t toilet paper on hand!
FOURTH-like explos on belly!
For when high colonics just won’t do the trick.
I LOVE the smell of Charmin in the morning!
Catch your rectum unaware and unprepared.
Well you know where you can stick these.
A Bathroom Halocaust!
I liked ’em better when they were called “Bran Flakes.”
No thanks-with friends like mine, I’ll never need an enema.
Served with chilled custurd!
Sleeping with the enema.
if you want to paint your bathroom brown.
Private, when I said we were going to clear out the enemy… this is not what I meant
Talk about explosive diarrhea…
The secret ingredient behind explos on belly.
Waiter, waiter! For all the nutrition i get out of this stuff, I might as well stick it up my bum.
In my country we use a hose…
Tastes great with some nitro glycerin dip!
Just don’t light any matches after using the bathroom…
It’s very dangerous to eat.
Crush it to get Wu Dan blasting powder.
Will I die after eating those bombing enema?
What a bright idea: recyclable food!
not hungry anymore
We have met the enema and he is…wheat thins?!?
. . .at least it’s not expolsion belly.
The non-clinical constipation solution… wait, what?
One car come,one car go. Two car pengpeng, one car die.
Guaranteed to blow it out your ass!
Better than Barium Enema. Hit the dirt!
works way better than the ingrediant Olestra used in potato chips
The snack that keeps you going all day!