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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Contraceptive interceptor
posted on 31 Dec 2009 in Toiletries
If you get the reference, chances are you don’t need these anyway…
Photo courtesy of Abe Lee.
Condoms from Japan.
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Transformers…more than beats the meat.
Some assembly required. Caution: excessive force may result in breakage.
What is a “78”???
The 78 series far better than the 69
This is the Gundam series. series 78 is the prequel to the Gundam 0079 series.
Beware of STDs… Sexually Transmitted Decepticons
Hey, if Joe Camel appealed to teenage smokers, can you imagine what THESE things could do?
If you don’t have survive, you could have pregnancy or STD.
Distributed by Wefukyung Enterprises.
Is that a blaster in your hand or are you just glad to see me?
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s the prick of steel.
Protective coverings for ALL your accoutrements.
I don’t think I keed knee-joints in my condoms.
need* {Oh for an edit button}
Caution. Excessive farce may result in hysterics.
His action figure wold be a best-seller… even if it couldn’t shoot anything.
Concepticon says: Be prepared for Copulation Season!
Neutron-powered for added stimulation.
You haven’t been done until you’ve been done by a giant robot, baby.
Cats: You are on the way to erection.
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Captain: What you say !!
Deus “Ex-tra Large” Machina
You know this thing transforms into a dildo….right?
Forget the bedroom… this could make water balloon fight history!
Does it grow in the dark?
Makes putting on a condom FUN!
Oh come on, do you HAVE to survive???
7 pieces?
They are using cartoons to sell condoms to kids. That character’s name is “Dickhead”
Gundam Wing’s predecessor: Condom Wing
A: If you build it, they will come.
Judging from the robot’s codpiece, that condom’s going to be a bit loose on him…
Ya just gotta love the angry face…..he’s about to get sex, what’s he so pissed about????
That’s alot of rockets to get off….
Well that’s ONE definition of a copulation explosion…
One thing is for sure … that’s NOT a blaster in his pocket and the robot IS happy to see you!
Why don’t the girls take me seriously any more ?
A huge advancement from the NoSex-10 chastity belt.
He’s there for your protection.
Are those breasts poking out his diaper?
Starscream got laid he’s been bragging about it ever since…
Do I have what it takes to survive?
WELL… the condom does look like a missle…
I dunno.
Earn your existence!
This would be the Gundam SEED Stopper brand.
These are quite a bit ahead of their time, given that they’re only for Newtypes…
7 pieces, one for each day of the week!
What are the condoms that are not type sex for?
If your 14 year old boy is still wearing Transformer Underoos he’ll need a pack of these.
Those guns wouldn’t really do anything….