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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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“Look! A new hybrid sniper/shotgun rifle! Suits every styles, it’s really wonderful!”
Fully Automatic for the People.
Just the thing for shooting out of the back of cars
I wish my wife thought that way…
Judging from the looks of that rifle butt this is a real ghetto blaster…
Permit required in California.
the New World Order is really FUN!
Endorsed by Sarah Palin! Buy now and get a free copy of “The Rogue” while supplies last!
Every apostrophes fully absent!
Ideal for punctuation.
Black is the new olive green
Makes a perfect gift for those grammar nazis!
Nothing says “wonderful” like that flimsy shoulder-strap.
You have the right to bear WOMDERFUL arms…
It’s funny; the packaging changes the product from “suckish toy-gun” to “suckish toy-lazer.”
I’m more interested in the upper-right corner of the picture, where there is a box with an entirley different product that seems to say “So FFun.”
Get your kids started early for an exciting, rewarding career as a sniper! Isn’t that wonderful!?
A semi-automatic shotgun with a sniper scope. Now you can aim at something from a mile away and hit absolutely nothing! Isn’t that just fully wonderful?
Telescopic sights serve a purpose. The furthur away you can shoot someone, the less chance you may regard them as another person.
At present, the American forces in Afghanistan hold the record at 2,630 yards, using a McMillan Tic Tac 12.5.
Isn’t technology wonderful? (I am a firearms owner – for the record)
Well, there’s a deer on the package, a bald eagle, and an Indiana Jones-type man. Are the animals supposed to be targets? Because no way would Indy shoot a bald eagle!
I think that’s the eagle from the Cobert Report
Ack.. .Colbert Report… stupid typos
In Soviet Union every styles shoot YOU!
Ralph: And the record is 2,657 yards (1.51 mi) using a McMillan Tac-50 by Canada’s PPCLI.
The PPCLI also has a Presidential (then Distinguished) Unit Citation earned in Kprea.
or even Korea !
That style is only semi-wonderful.
TJ, the So FFUN toy is the Joyful Trouser Snake by Rattel. Make to scare freinds! Enjoy happy feelings! It’s a real hit.
Looks like just the kind of toy the guy in the red suit would put under the Christmas tree… not Santa, the OTHER guy in the red suit!
A realistic-looking toy weapon that’s sure to make the kiddies scream with joy. Here’s to a safe and peaceful holiday season…
Please DO NOT use to clean out ears.
Every gun’s wonderful… until someone disarms your weapon or shot you using the SVD Dragunov!