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and for his large
The suspense is killing me!
Looks like the printer ran out of ink at *just* the right moment! 😉
…Inability to complete a full sentance! 🙂
… hands and for his minuscule handwriting that can’t be seen on some t-shirts.
Wow! A new noun.
… collection of invisible ink!
… acupuncture needle of boiler fertilizes a cattle?
You’re such a shirt tease!
… and…?
Let’s see the weird picture again. Maybe we can figure this out…
… buttocks. Both of them.
…sense of personal pride. But for the life of us, we can’t figure out WHAT he was always so proud about. Almost cocky, you might say.
… antici…..PATION!
part of the Carly Simon collection…
“Spotted on old man wondering in Kyoto, Japan” .. was he wondering what is said on his back, or was he wandering (aimlessly) around?
This man has multiple personality disorder and a habit of talking in the third person about themselves.
His reputation preceded him, but nobody could figure out what it was…
“….. destiny.”
“Oh, I thought you were going to say something else.”
…immense: the new Starbucks size
…capacity for hullabaloo!
…what? her immense what?! tell me! TEELLL MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Is he from Nantucket?
Ironically, the typist suddenly died laughing from looking at engrish.com.
…tracts of land?
…embarrassment at the tiny child-like size of sensitive parts of his anatomy, and for his concerted efforts to hide that fact.
Talk about “Dangling Participles” . . .
It’s better imagined than described…
In my youth I was know for my immense….
They accidentally the last word.
Thus describes John Cage’s sex life.
What is this I don’t even.
…And his another inmense.
Obviously, this is a typo. It should read “known for both his immense…”
WANG! Pay attention!
HEY! You calling me FAT?!?
And don’t even get me started on his enormous, gigantic, colossal
Thats the wrong kind of cliffhanger
WIFE to HUSBAND: No dear, they’re not talking about you, otherwise, they could have finished the sentence with STUPIDITY.
and for his humongous, gargantuar…
and most definitly his unruly
the printer accidentally the last word
Yeah, I know… I never finish what I
Continued on front of shirt…