The hard part was getting them sick…
They’re so cute, hugging that tiny toilet!
Photo courtesy of Paul Cedar.
Menu from restaurant in Shenzhen, China.
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Now you know how to call your girlfriend.
If you read the Chinese characters, it’s not only Bee Puke, they specifically say it’s AMERICAN Bee Puke!!!
Even more interesting, a quick check of the last two characters is pronounced “Pu1 Ke4”. They must have literally adopted English slang into Chinese. (Or we got the slang from them originally?)
Usually the chinese word for “vomit” is “Ou3 Tu4”.
I’d heard the Chinese had adopted the word “Ku1” as onomatopeia for “Cool”. But “Puke”???
And then charging them for a tissue…
Bee Puke washed down with Sunkist Orange juice. No wonder you need a tissue.
Bee puke is preferable to what you get from eating too many prunes.
That explains why the bee population is in sudden decline. They died from puking!
Bee Puke available at participating BP Stations…
Why are the characters for the currency completely different from each other?
I feel a stinging sensation rising in my throat.
I love to hold their tiny pony tails back when they, you know…
I know I know, I’m that kind of friend.
Buzz, buzz, BLARGH!
This is absolutely disgusting. Who in the world likes Sunkist?
Compare the prices. They must be applying the Kopi Luwak principle: You’ll buy gross stuff if it makes you look rich.
We thought about calling it honey, but we want you to know what you’re getting.
That’s what they get for bee-ing buzzed all the time.
Been hitting the pollen again, huh?
Actually, the Chinese says, “American little bee poker” as in the card game.
Don’t ask me, I’m just translating.
Kids drink some bee puke. It’s good for you
The price for the dried prune is better, but then they charge you for the tissues!
I wonder if that’s the per-square rate.
Very smart way of grouping items for sale if you ask me. If you’re going to puke, you’ll tissues. If you’re going to eat a lot of prunes, you’ll need tissues too.
So for breakfast I’ll have some toasts, OJ and, tissue please.. I just love the taste of white fluffy paper in the morning.
Bee’s actually do puke to make honey believe it or not! Bee puke is pretty good if I do say so myself!
Bumble Barf.
No matter what you order, you’re going to need that tissue.
Yep, we call them honey around here…
He shouldn’t have done that honey keg stand
What truly intriges me is a piece of “tissue” cheaper than a dried prune…
Hmmm…so Pu1Ke4 means “Poker” the card game, eh?
Makes sense.
Maybe it’s some weird humor on who can keep a “poker face” whilst drinking/eating bee stingers for breakfast or somthing!
The Bee Puke seems very expensive at 48 hoozits! I might just have the suprise “tissue” of the day; human tissue, paper tissue, I really don’t mind! I relish a surprise at only 3 thingies! On the otherhand do you have any honey? I have a sweet tooth!
Other Rate …for when First Rate is just too expensive.
“Other Rate”: for when first rate and second rate are just too expensive.
Courtney is quite correct that honey is literally bee puke. Don’t fear though; bees have two stomaches, one for digestion and one the other for making honey.
The Bee Puke is just there to make the preserved dry prune seem more appetizing.
Just imagine how confused they are back at the hive… “WHAT’S HONEY AND WHAT ISN’T?? “
I’ll definitely need the tissue after the bee puke.
Tissue? After dried prunes you’ll need a roll of toilet paper instead.
Notice that they call it orange DRINK and not orange JUICE. That means they didn’t make it with real oranges. Whatever it’s made with must’ve been what made the bees puke!
I’ll have a bee puke on the rocks, and some dried prunes over shredded tissue please.
Bee puke is honey, dry prune is what it says it is… But I can’t figure out what “Sunkist orange drink” could possibly be.
Served with 2 Bees and 1 Cup.
Sunkist is just an orange soft drink, like fanta. Whats worrying is that it is in the fresh fruit juice section.
Technically honey IS bee puke. They’ve got it right, we’re the ones calling it by a nicer name to make it sound appetizing. bleh!
Puke it up Bees!
Kudos to those who know what ‘bee puke’ is. I draw your attention to another, purely Amelican… el… I mean… er… American product. An attempt to compete with SPAM. Now SPAM is actually made from pork muscles, that is actual meat, no organs, granted some of the muscles might be the ones that blink the eyes or snarl the lip, but no innards. ( God put those parts INSIDE the animal for a reason, we aren’t supposed to find and eat them, that’s why innards is such an ugly word.) Now, one of Spam’s competitors makes a canned, congealed, smushed… Read more »
I definitely don’t want the Sunkist. That’s just way too gross for me.
‘To Bee or Not to Bee – Puke is the question!’
Well.. that pretty much is what honey is.