And so began the 2009 Engrish Name Calling Wars. In the end, it took the principal and four teachers to restore order, and to this day, little Timmy is still known as Poo Pants.
my brain hurts from trying to figure out which side of the post is supposed to be closer to the viewer, they drew it wrong, either the long one should be shorter, or the short one should be longer……i knocked my head plenty of times in school
Then what? ya want my social security number too?
15 years ago
Oh, a wide goy hay? Knock. knock. knock.
14 years ago
So much for manners, back in my day people would warn to mind your head.
Beware! Bone Head!
Max Headroom while he was still in beta.
Mental health’ll drive you mad!
Be careful of the Volleyball net ahead.
That’s “knucklehead”…
Knock on wood!
Stop giving head… advices.
And so began the 2009 Engrish Name Calling Wars. In the end, it took the principal and four teachers to restore order, and to this day, little Timmy is still known as Poo Pants.
The look-out gets concussed, but the rest of the gang stay safe. I know where I’d rather be… 🙂
Lookout knocked head! Status? Status, soldier!
Becareful, lose head! :O
Look out, knock head, call Lawyer.
Dope the knock before the knock dopes you!
Watch where you’re going, Stupid!!
Charlie Brown, you’re such a Knockhead!
That will happen a lot if you’re 6’4″ and in Tokyo. I never saw any of those warnings though.
Take asprin.
There is no need for name calling Mr. Sign!
That Charlie Brown is such a knock head!
Who’re you calling “knock head”? • • • Ow!
No wonder why it hurts so much ><
This is pidgin for “When will the next watch relieve the lookout, Captain? He’s got a terrible headache! “
my brain hurts from trying to figure out which side of the post is supposed to be closer to the viewer, they drew it wrong, either the long one should be shorter, or the short one should be longer……i knocked my head plenty of times in school
Oh, a wide goy hay? Knock. knock. knock.
So much for manners, back in my day people would warn to mind your head.
bruddy knockhead, never listens…..
Warning, you are about to enter Knockturn Alley.
Fall on the floor carefully.