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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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No pissing…
posted on 8 Nov 2009 in Signs
Photo courtesy of Mike Pierre.
Found in an elevator in Roppongi, Tokyo.
Japanese reads: “Urinating here is prohibited.
A security camera is recording.”
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It was expensive enough…
No sh*tting here either.
Smile your on candid camera!
But tacky public necking is OK.
So is drunken barfing.
(It IS Roppongi, y’know.)
Penalty for non-compliance: A *very* painful electric shock, and possible injury or death… :O
We aim to please!
(You aim too, please!) 🙂
That’s the first time I saw a security camera inside the toilet bowl…
No pissing on the security camera… the wall is free game, though.
How did this ever become a problem in Japan where they needed to post a sign? Are they that bored?
Use the floor like the rest of us !
Beechoak: Ever been to Roppongi in Tokyo?
Well, where should I piss then?
For the high voltage will trim the wick.
Because the security personnel aren’t supposed to be watching porn.
We have a couple of lousy security cameras, that I wouldn’t piss on either.
Roppongi is the party capitol of Japan!!!
Feel free to piss anywhere else, however
One more reason why the naughty palace is no fun :/
Seriously, don’t piss us off.
Seriously, don’t urine us off…
No pissing on the security camera…
…or urine big trouble
This was just waiting to be put on engrish.com!! XD
Soon they shallput up a newsign saying.
“No pissing on camera as we sick putting up new ones alll the time. “
We’re not into watersports. But if you want to flash us, that’s cool.
…but poop wherever you want.
You know they wouldn’t need that sign if they would just put the cameras on the ceiling.
No one wants to see pee on TV.
Well duh. I mean urine in an elevator after all.
Piss off! (Out of our sight)
Anywhere else is fine.
“excuse me i am going to have to charge you with… pissing on a security camera, for this offence you will get pisser confiscated”
No actually they still need that sign if they put the cameras on the ceiling. Cuz when i pay a visit to that washroom, the ceilings what i’ll be aimin for with my 46 inch shlong.
Camera does not equal urinal
Yes, urinal is greater than camera!
No pissing on the security camera. Everywhere else is just fine!
Feel free to do anything in this elevator EXCEPT piss on the security cam. (The security guards are here to watch the show not feel it)
No pissing on the camera, but feel free to wet the floor.
That means you, homeless guy!
…Anywhere else is fine.
I only pissed in front of it but the stupid guards kicked me out anyways!
Anywhere else is just fine.
can we poop here though?
pissing anywhere else is fine though…
What goes through the mind of the Japanese party animal:
“Gotta pee, gotta pee. But where? I’ve got it! In the elevator!”
They don’t have public toilets in Japan?
bet theres no pissing on the electric fence either…
What should I do it on, my Ipad?
but feel free to water the flowers…
we can see you “thingy”, only farting allowed
Move Uranus to the outer ring to avoid the golden showers
Sorry I kinda already did…