Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Fresh rungus here!
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I bet their chef is a real fungi.
Waiter! There’s a hair in my fire.
Be sure to try the old people’s head special!
So delicious it’s shickening.
These are dedicated people. We all know how difficult it is to grow fungus on a broom, or how to get the tricolor fungus just right on a chicken-waist.
Old rung heads just ain’t what they used to be…
Wow fires with out brooms and and old peoples head. I wonder what the serve for dessert.
You set fire to my boletus and I will sue.
Waiter,… what’s the difference between the shicken and the chicken and the fungus and the rungus?
Tricolor chicken… white meat, dark meat, and…??? Please don’t tell me it’s green…!
For 68 Yuan you get one lousy piece of Tibetan mushroom!
Look. I don’t know how to tell you guys this, but I don’t like mushrooms.
For 48 Yuan you get fire… nothing else… oh, and a broom-fungus… but that’s it! Nothing else!
Waiter, can I get something other than fries with my Tibetan mushrooms?
Is the rungus rresh?
Hey, Soong Lee! Time to milk the pig! Somebody just ordered the “Yunnan Ham Milk Jiang Fungus!”
Okay, we need some flowers to help out these Tibetan mushrooms. They need assistance…
“The rungus of old people’s head?!??? Please don’t tell me it’s denture cheese…!”
Spam & Fungus, Fungus & Spam, Spam-Fungus & Mushrooms, Mushrooms-Spam & Fungus…
Milk me a river…
What exactly is the “sliced meat?”
Chad’s first visit to a “mushroom bar” was less than inspiring…
Tibetan mushroom, endorsed by the Dalai Lama
Is this a food menu or a price list from a doctor’s office?
You like flies with that?
I don’t have any captions. This menu is just gold. Pure gold.
Bye the way. That brown stuff that comes out of the chicken, isn’t fungus.
Correction. By*
The fungus is among us!!
My fungus is all moldy.
Anyone notice that tri-color fungus is cheaper than double color?
Fried Green Head Fungus — Jolly Green Giant checks into rehab.
I beg you, mighty Tibetan Mushroom, assist The Flower in its enterprise.
Do you have any Mexican food?
The rungus … The rungus !!
I’m old and no matter how hard I look I just don’t see any Rungus on MY head ANYWHERE…
An intentionally unfunny but informative note to crowd: Yunnan cuisine is really different from other Chinese cooking styles. They pride themselves on cooking a real wide variety of wild mushrooms and other fungi, and even use dairy products in their dishes such as goat cheese, something that’s very uncommon in the rest of China. Yunnan’s also right next to Tibet, which accounts for the “Tibetan mushroom”. As for the “Yunnan Ham Milk Fungus”…the Chinese characters say “Yun(nan) (“something…can’t make out 2nd character) Dairy Red Mushroom”. I’ve seen that “dairy” character mean either “milk” or “cheese”. So either this means “ham… Read more »
If grandpa doesn’t straighten up, we’re selling his head to the fungus cafe down the street.
I Am The God Of HELLFIRE and I Bring You… FUNGUS!!
I wanna bumper sticker that says “Friends of Tibetan Mushrooms”
Do you get wafers with that?
Tricolor chicken-waist-fungus: 38 Yuan
(Chicken also available for an extra charge)
This is the first time I’ve seen a resturant list prices for the condiments, but hide the cost of the food itself. Is it me, or might this resturant be charging their customers just a *little* more than they ought to?… 🙂
I’ve yet to see a chicken with a waist, let alone something you could name a fungus after.
Ummm… I think I’ll try the fungus.
Not mushroom for anything else on the menu…
Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom!
fungus,egg,ham, and fungus.
Fungus, fungus, fungus and fungus.
Fungus, fungus, human hair, and fungus.
Fungus FIRE and fungus.
Do you have anything without fungus in it? I don’t llike fungus.
Don’t like FUNGUS?!
^ – …But our princess is in another castle! 😀
Indeed. You’ll have to conform with the Mushroomheads!