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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Wang was being bad…
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That’s one hell of a way to test the water from the shower…
He was no good anymore so we serve him up and garnish him with coriander.
I am glad to see the Auto da Fe is going strong in China.
Or; How best to serve your fellow man.
A little heavy on the dry rub.
Wang, I asked for RARE …
Wang only burns when I pee
Accursed Wang, burn in the charcoal!
Cayenne pecker.
Sunds like a lot of hot cock to me.
Ya know, they have a cream for that!
KY to the rescue!
Capital Punishment for non-violent sexual offenders.
STD is the new MSG
You should see a doctor about that.
Lorena Bobbitt’s a pyromaniac now.
…so please, wash your hands after eating this, especially BEFORE using the urinal.
Wang had to burn
… now you have to eat.
Wang messed with the wrong kind of people…
That’s what she said… in the burning bed.
And ya don’t want to go the Wang way.
Does it come with fava beans?
China is a country that still implements capital punishment and the government has a way of disposing the remains to maintain the program.
Aha. So THIS is where Chinese dissidents go when they disappear.
And that noodle soup I had in Beijing DID taste kinda funky….
“jjhitt | 7:27 am |
Does it come with fava beans?”
That would be the Lebanese, Syrian or Egyptian version.
Oh, so THAT’s what we burn besides witches.
when wang pray with fire…
Do you know how many Wangs had to die for your meal.
Well, Wang was playing around with gasoline near a campfire, so what did you think was gonna happen?
Shouldn’t have peed on the electric fence…
Today’s discounted special: whatever Chef-in-training Wang managed to burn.
“What happens in China when one engages in Wang-headed thinking.”
oh no! not Wang Yao!
Everybody have fun tonight!
Everybody just Chung tonight!
Is this what Paris Hilton meant by Fire Crotch?
Lorena Bobbitt is now in the restaurant business?!? WTF?!?!?
and since we have a food shortage we are gonna serve him
…For all his carnal sins!
I’m not going to pay 28 Yuan for a pot full of foreskin.
Wang babooshed in the shower, so he had to burn.
But he didn’t die in vain – we made him into this delicious meal. Enjoy!
Yeah, i knew he was wang all along….
Tums doesn’t treat THIS!
He got too crazy at the sunny town erection party.
Alas poor Wang, I knew him well done…
Wang had to pay for what he had done….
Wang had to burn….
Wang had to pay…….
What did Wang do?!?!?
And you thought indian burns were bad!
Wang, my son, this is inevitable when you barbecue with your zipper undone.
Feminists have made many culinary contributions.