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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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She has a sharp wit…
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Brings a new meaning to scissors, paper, rock.
She writes beautiful poetry.
She runs with scissors.
These lines dont rhyme.
I’ve got a collection.
What a cut-up!
There once were some scissors from Nantucket….
Emily Dickinson made a decision that day to be remembered for her poetry, and not her uni-brow.
The “Chopper Reid” collection pesonally signed.
A poet who pleases the ears,
Bought a packet of four silver shears,
So she and three friends,
Trimmed beginnings and split ends,
And were finely-groomed verb engineers.
The “Chopper Reid” collection. Personally signed.
New collection pens; can also be used as scissors.
I was never much into poetry. It dulls the senses.
Edward Scissorhand’s collection for poetry writing.
Oooh… “Stephanie” King strikes back!
She’s a cut above the rest…
Her poetry is very sad. If you are an emotional young teen, this custom scissor set will be just the thing you’ll need while you read it.
Also available, the New Collection high contrast digital camera, with step by step instructions for uploading earthly images of your “tortured aura” to myspace.
“… my next selection is ‘Ode to a Good Hair Day’ by Ophelia Bouffant…”
“What is this? Blood on canvas?”
“Yes, I’ve titled it “Running with Scissors””
And then she vigorously cuts them to pieces using these.
I hear her poetry is on the cutting edge.
A South African named De beers,
Bought a packet of stainless steel shears,
But in his tonsorial pursuit,
He was a clumsy galoot,
For he cut the tops off his ears.
WARNING: Bursting with vigor while using sharp objects may cause serious injury.
A young man in sarcastic derision,
Laughed at his lady’s poetic vision,
Through her sobs and her tears,
She purchased some shears,
And gave him a late circumcision.
Blood is thicker than ink.
I’ve read her poetry. It’s shear nonsense.
Clearly from the Sylvia Plath collection.
Q: In frustration, what did the buxom beauty call the page she cut up of her own bad poetry?
A: Snipples!
The ideal scissors for wrist cutting emos
Because I could not stop for death, I bought a pair of scissors.
Tickle her, does she not laugh?
Prick her, does she not bleed?
Wrong her, does she not castrate?
Bob | 12:50 pm |
Tickle her, does she not laugh?
Prick her, does she not bleed?
Wrong her, does she not castrate?
I meant “Bob-it.”
you should see her “manicure set”
That bizarre manicure set was for “this” kind of woman, too.
Wait ’til you see her toilet paper: http://aura1.gaia.com/photos/9/87246/large/Ouch.jpg
I’ve seen the best minds of my generation burstig with vigor.
Do mixed-typeset ransom notes count as poems?
I just saw her toilet paper. Yikes. 0_o
oN, BuT MiXeD TypEsET rANdoM NotES arE !
There once was a poet named Randy
Who was told that his odes weren’t so Dandy
So he traded his pencil
For paint and a stencil
Now his vision of art is more Handy !
The pen is mightier than the sword, but four pairs of scissors are another matter entirely.
She’s so EMO!
Introducing: the scissor pencil!…
Look ma! It’s the accessory kit for my Audition costume. Now we only need piano wire and acupuncture needles.
Her canvas – the human body.
She writes poetry in a rock walled jail… that why 🙂
Emo poems?
The scissors go snip
Pigtail tumbles to the floor
Poor, clumsy Pigtail.
The pen may be mightier than the sword, but she is hedging her bets.
Cutting-edge poetry ahoy…
she’s emo and she cuts herself also in the beauty
And if mistake she is making in the speling
using the sisor to cutting the lovee latter