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Left at Coitus Court, straight past Pork Place.
Meet me at the Nookie Nook.
Just off Bonk Boulevarde
On the way to the Information Hall of Meat…
I hope they allow hullabaloo.
It’s a great place to get your Tout On
If you see Taboo Fountain, you’ve gone too far…
Can you ever go too far at the Naughtiness Plaza ?
“The West Cycling Center is gearing up for its annual Nude Bicycle Race. The team to beat this year is the Fat-Bottomed Girls from The Naughtiness Plaza! They do make the rockin’ world go round!”
“Fredrick’s of Hollywood… Rumple Silky’s… Victoria’s Secret! Hey, wait a minute… THESE ARE ALL LINGERIE SHOPS…! Ooo, look,… a Lion’s Den!”
“Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit…! They have a Naughtiness Plaza!”
Do you get a discount for bulk orders?
Turn left at Cunnillingus Court.
No shirt, no shoes, no pants
next to consumate creek
How Japanese. Take something like Woodstock, and organize it.
Apologies for another “un-funny” caption that’s supposed to be informational. Anyone who’s lived in Japan for a long enough time is bound to have encountered…or at least heard of….”fertility festivals”. They build these huge wooden replicas of…well…the male organ…and they even sit their young daughters (I even saw some grown women and even some men, joking around), on these things straddling them as a way of having the Shinto gods/spirits/whatever “bless” them with fertility. From a western perspective, it was rather amusing.
Located in scenic Red Light District!
(Not affiliated with House of Christ).
Located just across the street from Mischievous Mall and Devillish Deli…
Well, it’s better than Haughtiness Plaza. The people who work there are such snobs!
Ooo, you naughty little customer, you tried to shoplift! I’m gonna have to give you a spanking! 🙂
Where are the arrows to indicate direction? Or are these simply two names for the same place? Those cyclists can get pretty freaky…
I found the naughtiness Plaza in IkebukuroToyko. I accidently walked into the Yaoi shop and had to back out slowly…
So that’s where you find the sexual harassment lounge
I’m rather confused because wanpaku (the square’s name) actually means naughtiness..
@Miself-o: “Wanpaku” does mean naughtiness in the loosest sense, but I think it is much closer to ‘mischievous’.
For when you are getting off with your lover.
i know where im goin on vacation. 😀
Make sure to visit our cycling center before becoming naughty.
Ah, Naughtiness Plaza, where you can ride your bike to get tied up and flogged.
Oh thank goodness, this must be where the naughty castle is located. I’m getting tired of carrying all this artillery.
Right near the F**k Forum
Look, Mommy, a but station!