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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Instructions for the tourist…
Photo courtesy of Alison Honey.
Sign found at mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Some have suggested Paragon Mall is in Bangkok or Singapore.
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Hey! I can tell you have the stupid disease, now leave that UFO alone!
“Sign found at mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.”
Says it all.
… not from Thailand, too
They known as Siam Paragon only.
I quiet sure it’s from Cambodia.
This sign isn’t found in Singapore. I assure you my fellow esteemed engrishmen, there is no Naughty Palace in Paragon Shopping Centre. Neither is it found in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Drumroll] Naughty Palace is found in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. My proof is here: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/travelblogs/207/2047/Phnom+Penh+with+children+%E2%80%93+Part+5?destId=355852
Paragon Mall is in Bangkok, not Malaysia or Singapore. What’s with the haters here, huh? Chill out people, things here are supposed to be funny, but you guys are making a mess with your hate comments.
be it in Singapore, Bangkok or Cambodia, [ Paragon Shopping Centre] NEVER EXIST in Kuala Lumpur. edit plz…
#3: “Only one (1) practical joke per child allowed”
#8: “So remember, little Johnny, no pooing or peeing in there. Spit if you feel like it, though”
@ #9: How discriminating! Where are poor little diseases going to play, then?
– Parent: “I hope he doesn’t catch any stupid disease playing in there”
– Naughty Palace staff member: “Don’t worry ma’am, no stupid diseases are allowed here… only smart ones. We get them IQ’ed and all…”
# 11: *sigh* “Oh well. I guess I’ll have to use my hands, then.”
# 4: Females might throw. Males must have balls removed before they throw.
Stupid disease… I’ve finally found out what’s wrong with some friends of mine… ( =
Ok, so the sign maker is banned from the naughty palace too, on account of having the stupid disease?! O.o
but i never play without my knife!
“Forbid shooting at close distance”… Right… Howitzer crew, shoot that high building! It’s at least two clicks from here. We don’t want to have playgound guards on us…
A civirization ranguage is one herr of a stupid disease… WTF? It’s stupid disease is vilar! Oh no i’m contracting a stupid diease..
Oh yeah, here’s two more rules:
13. Forbid the throw-up in naughty palace. Tourist that do this will be violated.
14. Naughty palace stuff destroy is forbid.
i bet this poor sign-maker was taken for a ride to the wrong naughty palace as a kid…
Why, how do your children behave at home?
i went to the Naughty Palace, i was robed then shoot…three times…
i found a dead baby in the sand box and a hobo…..
the best part was when i found Old Gregg in the bathroom!!!
im not EVER going back to the Naughty Palace…
Believe me or not this mall is in Singapore. I know this because i recently came from there and actually took a picture of this very sign, which now reads in blue…
“stupid disease”
engrish WIN
i guess i can’t throw with the balls, maybe in the naughty palace?
What if someone has a smart disease such as cancer….
I feeling sad, only have naughty apartment. To me plese send rules also so I play with disease tooo. Thanks you
You can’t tell an American to leave their knives, and stupid diseases at home…that ain’t Christian.
That sign is not found in Paragon Singapore. Singaporean signs are generally (though not always) spelt out in good english. The Brits did rule us for 150 years.
Hahaha, there is no paragon mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia…So this is definitely the one in Bangkok! I wonder if they put that through google translator.
“Advocate use of civilization language”- they better live up to it!
It uses the civilzation language or it gets the beverage in the naughty palace.
The artillery is not for playing. It is for shooting down the UFOs and airplanes that do not obey the naughty palace’s safe navigation, and do attempt to touch down.
locals can throw balls all they want.
Golden rules, not showers!
Mamma, I want to go to the naughty palace! So i can ride the flying saucers and throw balls around!
If you google Paragon Shopping Centre & Kuala Lumpur you get a map from http://www.streetdirectory.com that shows a mall called Paragon Point Shopping Centre southeast of KL, located at Jalan Bunga Tanjung.
Put that UFO away right now!
My kids obeyed #6 very well, they didn’t slid out of my naughty palace’s tube, I had c-sections!
3-13!? They told me you have to be 21 to get into the Naughty Palace!
I always knew stupid was a disease.
Artillery, planes and a flying saucer in the pool. I want to go to that pool.
Stool and urine is forbid to naughty places for to keep sanitation.
My brother, Lance Thomas, found this very same sign in Phnom Penh Cambodia. Also, there is a Paragon mall in Bangkok. I think they distribute copies of the sign to various malls all over SE Asia.
13. author is to forbid from swimming as to for stupid disease
14. stupid disease is permit for use of guns only
for when shoot to visitors by artillery, most polite it is to lead them after commence of running
courtesy neverland japan
contagious as such roll and rock pnemonia create boogie woogie flu not permit for naughty place
artilery for only use emergency care when seeing gojira at distance to target
“the tourist can’t throw with the balls”?
translation: he throws like a girl
This kind of “failed” English never happens with Paragon in Thailand since it is the best shopping mall in Thailand
Forget the tourists and guns. Take me to the flying saucer, man.
with the throwin and the balls AWW tourists say the darndest things.
obviously should take note of #8 themselves…
civilised language would be appreciated!
oh, and no knives allowed (#2) , but you can play with guns and artillery – just not at close range (#10) ??!!WTF??
..what, so only the TOURISTS get SPECIAL RULES…….
Extra rule: Tell anyone about the flying saucer and you die.
“Hey, look, a naughty palace! Wanna refrain from quarreling and doing practical jokes?” “that sounds like fun, but I can’t. I have type 2 stupid disease.”