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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Instructions for the tourist…
Photo courtesy of Alison Honey.
Sign found at mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Some have suggested Paragon Mall is in Bangkok or Singapore.
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I know quite a few people who have the “Stupid disease”
I’m going back to the Naughtiness Plaza. Too many rules here !
Yes No quarelling or touching flying saucer but 5 year olds are permitted to shoot each other as long as it is not at close range
D: O NOES. I cannot play, for I have the stupid disease!
In Soviet Russia, Palace naughties YOU.
Sun Tzu says: If the Shopping Centre gives vague instructions and shopper’s fail to follow them, it is the fault of the Shopping Centre.
no civilized urinating
At rule 11: Fine, I’ll just touch this helicopter.
The Naughty Palace used to be in Times Square, but they’ve moved. Remember to bring lots of quarters and your own tissues.
It’s really a naughty, naughty place… they give artillery for the children to play!!
Is that a period after “urine” in #8? I’m thinking they’re actually telling us to spit in everything.
Sounds like a playground Michael Jackson would approve of.
Stupid disease! It’s hindering me from throwing with the balls!
Don’t you know anything? Always remove the children’s shoes before going to the naughty palace!
Naughty Palace, eh? Where do I sign up?
damn , so i brought this cannon and muskets for no reason ….
Paragon Shopping Centre is in Singapore, not Kuala Lumpur.
So there really is a disease that makes people stupid, I sure hope it not is kontayjuss…oh no waddid me just say? …Tweet tweet I is a birdy! NO!!! …Duhh tell me about da rabbits again, George. AAARRRGH!!!
Is there medication for “stupid disease”?
Dubya not welcome: Article 9, clause 4.
Let us play in the stupid disease………………
Rule 13: Ignore rules 1 through 12. This is the naughty palace after all!
Just a clarification: Paragon Shopping Centre is in Bangkok, not Malaysia.
Man, why can’t *all* playgrounds ban people with stupid disease?
That does it. We MUST form a charitable organization to find a cure for Stupid Disease! It’s costing us our ability to make rational decisions! Remember, with time and effort, we, too, can conquer another scourge of civilizatioin! }};-]
I would like to go, but I have artillery so I cant come in.
If people with stupid disease aren’t allowed how did the sign translators get in to make the sign?
Before you guys laugh, Please make sure that there’s NO Paragon Mall in Malaysia!
its not in malaysia or thailand or singapore, its in Cambodia. see http://tinyurl.com/yg2osyc
Oh don’t you just hate it when a great Idea from the dutch red light district gets lost in translation!
No shoes, food, sharp things or throwin with the balls? The naughty place has never been so boring.
My head didn’t protrude from the spherical surface… I think I have the Stupid…
I wonder if the ball pool is in the Naughty Palace?
I hear there’s a lot of pedophiles in the naughty palace…
Paragon Shopping Mall is located in Bangkok, Not Kuala Lumpur.
Oh my gosh! That was probably one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time!
Very funny.
BTW, There is Siam Paragon in Bangkok, but it’s definitely not called ‘Paragon Shopping Centre’. I’m sure it’s not the one in BKK. And I have never heard of the naughty palace in Siam Paragon, too bad.
Paragon Shopping Mall is not in Malaysia D: im a Malaysian and i don’t remember seeing it in the country. BTW this is so damn funny
“playing in ball pool”
“head should protrude from spherical surface”
“Forbid stool and urine”
“spit in everywhere”
“Naughty” palace
And they only allow 3 to 13 year olds in? Is this some Malaysian “Never Never Land” or something?
tourists should have left after reading this. then again, it is a NAUGHTY palace so what the hell lets get it on
The naughty palace: Take off your shoes and get it on!
Paragon shopping mall is in Singapore. Malaysia do not have any malls named Paragon. HAHAHAHHAZ!!!
Hahaha… funny as it is, Malaysians wouldn’t even bother putting safety signs up at playgrounds, much less invent something so detailed and weird.
Naughty palace? Ohhhhhh.. you mean Disney!
I’m quite sure the paragon mall mentioned here is NOT Singapore.
As far as I know, english is one of the main languages spoken there and I have never seen such a thing in Paragon Mall either, rofl. ‘Naughty palace’ is a funny name to name a place though 😀
ps. I’m a Singaporean (?!)
This is not in SIngapore!!!!!!!!!!
I went to touch her flying saucer with my airplane, but someone’s artillery peered with our eyes and caused stool and urine on everywhere. Then we got kicked out for infectioning stupid psychosis disease.
Regardless of location, the naughty palace apparently strives to be the Paragon of virtue!
…with the possible exception of the artillery, of course!
Good thing I don’t have stupid disease, then…