Instructions for the tourist…
Photo courtesy of Alison Honey.
Sign found at mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Some have suggested Paragon Mall is in Bangkok or Singapore.
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I wanted to go to the naughty palace. But I had some stupid disease and they woudln’t let me in.
So I gave my son some artillery and said “Boy, be as naughty as you want!”
Residents of Kuala Lumpar – On the other hand – May do all practical jokes, throw with the balls, and play with the disease as they see fit. 🙂
Is that your head protruding from the spherical surface or are you just glad to see me?
It very disrespectful to wear shoes in naughty palace. Female staffer not use civilization language.
Forbid sharp things, use artillery instead.
“If the tourist has… stupid disease…”?! I’ve never seen a naughty palace call people out like that! If you can’t go in the naughty palace if you have stupid disease they are really going to lose a lot of customers considering how many stupid people there are in this world.
“#2: Forbid to carry sharp things… such as knife.” Well, I’m glad they cleared THAT up!
No quarreling. Just “pants” them and give them an Indian burn instead.
Our Malaysian scientists have been hard at work on that flying saucer, and now look you’ve got chocolate fingerprints all over it.
“Hey, you! The tourist with the balls! You throw like a girl!”
Forbidden from the naughty palace? Oh, the irony.
“Not permit to touch with the flying saucer and the airplane”
Sounds like birth control advice to me
“#5: Obey the naughty palace’s safe navigation… or you’ll get spanked. And spanked and spanked and spanked! you mad, impetuous boy!”
#6: Go breach!
“Okay, children! The words are stool, urine and spit!… not sh*t, p*ss, and loogies!”
“Today were going to talk about architecture and civil engineering…”
#9: If you have… aw, screw it,… if you have ANY disease, you are forbidden to play.”
I told you stupidity was contagious! It’s practically a pandemic!
Hey, do me a favor… look in the gun barrel and tell me if the artillary is stuck.
And what kinds of “guns” and “artillary” would the naughty palace have?
No knives allowed. You can bring all the guns you want as long as you give your target a head start.
It not be sporting to shoot people at close distance. Run them to a moderate distance let be.
“… and tell me, Billy,… do you “see” the flying saucer now?…is it talking to you?”
#12: So I take it raw oysters and champagne are out of the question?
No man’s head can stay in the “tube” until the baby matures and passes through the tube.
Devil not allowed oral-sex in naughty palace. Spirituous liquors not allowed on premises.
At Paragon Shopping Center, even accidents are forbidden!
“Unngh!! Oook ugg narr grahh!!”
Naughty Palace? All these rules kind of kill the whole “NAUGHTY” concept.
Seriously, don’t stay in the tube. What if your mother is having twins! Your sibling needs to get out, too, you know.
The naughty palace doesn’t sound like a very fun place.
Maybe it should be called the “Anti-naughty Palace”?
So are the flying saucer and the airplane grounded?
We got another one with Stupid Disease in Naughty Palace!
I don’t think I want my kids playing in any place that begins with the word “Naughty”…
And watch where you put the naughty bits
The Naughty Palace … hmm, isn’t that on the strip, next to The Mirage?
The forgot one rule:
“Please instruct children to leave their guns at the entrance”.
You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!
Navigate THIS!
I imagine people with stupid disease are not allowed due to the use of firearms and artillery in the naughty palace.
I hope that stupidity is not contagious!
The signmaker must have ignorant disease.
#11: Well, I guess E.T. will have to find another place to phone home.
What kind of Naughty palace won’t let you pee on people or throw things around with your balls??
Oh well, at least they have flying saucers.
Sounds like a great place to take the Dangerous Stranger Girt.
Two tickets from Guangzhou to Kuala Lumpur, please.
Yes, me and my friend Girt, here.
Posted at Neverland.
To behave civilized in naughty place or expelled not to return shoes! Spank, berate, wicked disease shame no naughty bad bad.