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It’s only the bit that goes over the fence last that is first on our menu !
Guess where the pepper goes…
stop making cracks about it, OK
seriously, what did they mean to say?
LOL soo funny! I guess the proper term for this delicacy is chicken tail (w/o feathers) and probably the fattiest (lol) part of the chicken, that is why its soo tasty. But come to think about it is just a few cm from the poopie hole. yuck. “nothing butt-er” ^_^
Square chicken hot dogs?
Seriously, I think the meat is from the legs or ass-end. Seriously.
At any barbie these would soon be wiped out.
So that’s what they did with the rude and unreasonable chickens! https://engrish.com/2009/05/they-gotta-do-something-about-their-chickens/
Keep these with you at all times and you really CAN ride for free.
Quit insulting the chicken’s ass or the chicken is gonna tear you a new one with the wooden skewer!
What no Norbit jokes? lol………..FIne ill go, I wonder if it taste like turkey ass
damn it…..I’m holding out for the rooster bawls
It’s not a mistranslation though, this is a real dish. Hahah.
Grilled Chicken Ass.
At least we know what’s in it, as opposed to hot dogs.
Because canned is betting old.
Because you’re too good for Chicken toes and Cow Lips.
cuz we couldn’t find the nuggets on this chicken
mmmmmm my favourite
I have a friend who went to Philippines two months ago, and he told me that he saw it and wanted to tried some, but he didn’t have the courage, lol xD
This isn’t a mistake. Those are the actual rear ends of chickens. They’re really good by the way.
Assorted Grilled Chicken?
Guess what? Chicken Butt!
Kentucky Grilled Chicken Ass…Finger Lickin’ Crud!
THESE ARE REAL!GOSH! oh c’mon these taste great. of course they are cleaned before we eat them! WTF! Reyes Barbecue serves great food. better than cholesterol enriched burgers that;s for sure! this isn’t engrish you know, it’s just misunderstood!
I guess I know where the old cartoon “Cow and Chicken” got its “pork butts and potaters”.
This meal is bad-ass.
Hey this is real by the way. In Taiwan they eat it all the time, its all over the place. In Chinese its called chicken anus. You spit out a tube after every bite.
its true.but the naming was done deliberately..people seems to forget that the philippines is an english speaking country..
Haha!! It’s a delicacy here. It’s the juiciest part. Delicious!! Try it..better than balut eggs..
I dont know whether to kiss it, kick it, or eat it…
This is not an Engrish ‘mistake’ as such, but an actual local tasty delicacy in the English-speaking Philippines. What we would call the chicken tail is called the chicken’s “puwit” which translates as arse (UK English)/ass (US English).
Uh… that’s not a mistake. It IS grilled chicken buttocks.
Mmmm. It’s finger lickin’ good! Wait a minute… what part did you say this was?
Im from the PI and its not a mis-translation. It really is chicken ASS but quite honestly, I dont like it… too fatty 🙂
yeah, the term’s not a mistranslation, but i wish Reyes Barbecue made a better term. hahaha
That is actually where the tailfeathers stck, so instead of chicken ass, you can call it chcken tail… somewhat.
Norbit was here
What a load of chickens
I got a dingleberry…
That’s one hot piece of ass.