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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I’ll stay to the right then.
Its a big hole in the ground.
In case you’re a women in a mens restroom, you’ll have to keep standing.
Jacques Cousteau to the rescue, diving into the left depths!
Beware of Deep Throat!
YOUR throne is in the dungeon!
By the way, you will find mermaids there too.
Arrrrrgh, ya salty wench! Use the poop deck in the murky depths portside!
This restroom is for men only! NO POOP FOR YOU!
If any of you women wish to evacuate youselves, you will have to pee over the side.
10,000 leagues might seem like a stretch, but if you’ve really got to go, we think you can handle it.
Watch your step! Its worse than falling in a toilet
Mr. Husband, be thankfull you were born a man.
Mrs. Wife, it’s The Depths for you!
Well, this is just the depths!
Squatting while sinking deep Engrish soughts
No rest(room) for the wicked, I mean women.
She’s gone where the goblins go, below below below, yo-ho.
Aye, lass, ignore that sign! Have ya ever met a man with a REAL yardarm, me beauty? Step lively so’s I can drop anchor in your port depths, yarrr.
Womens facilities courtesy of Jame Gumb.
Also, in the left depths no one puts the toilet seat down.
I’m begging you, PLEASE USE IT!
“Looks like another one didn’t make it to the left depths… CLEAN UP ON AISLE THREE!”
Watch out, the last girl set off a depth charge.
Submarine in the left depths: Silent but deadly.
Up from the depths 15 stories high, breathing air, head in the sky, WOMANZILLLA!!!!!!
Ohhhh, NO! There goes Toe-kee-yo….
The characters 左奥 in Japanese mean something akin to “in the back, on the left”. 奥 (“oku”) usually refers to the innermost corner or area of a physical space. It’s also the root of one of the most common Japanese words for “wife”…i.e., “Mrs. In-the-deepest corner of the home” would be a rough but literal translation.
Chinese doesn’t seem to use this character. The chinese translation used the term “å·¦åŽæ–¹” which also means “in the back, on the left”.
I have no clue what 奥 means in Chinese.
Party poopers!
Figured out at least one way how 奥 is used in Chinese.
Which is to say, as a character used to represent a sound, often used for pronouncing foreign, non-Chinese words.
This character is used for the sound “Ao” (or, in Engrish, “Ow!”)
奥林匹克 – Ao lin pi ke (Olympic)
奥巴马 – Ao Ba Ma (Obama) (“OW” ba ma?)
Whoops, I strayed off course mateys. Back to the topic at hand, yarrrr…
Tharr be dragons therearr.
It’s an underground brothel where you can”t get caught
Must have been the inspiration for that line in Led Zeppelin’s “Ramble On”:
“Was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair.”
and be wary of the ogre who lives in stall 13
Taking women rights to new depths!
luckily women travel in packs to the restroom lest travelling to the left depths can become dangerous.
And out of the left depths of Mordor came the… Womens
My dad tried to warn me that women came from the depths. I guess he was right.
Please fall into the pit on the left, that leads to the womens’ restroom. Even if you are a man.
Oh… I will, Hehehehe.
This is a job for Dora the Explorer!
Across the street from the Twilight Zone…
a place for women to pee…and never return
for communists only
Hope there are no security cameras inside
movie poster
she came & she went!!! :
– Officer! There’s a woman in the dark around the corner of the restroom!
– Well, use it, Sir!