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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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The vulnerable be damned!
We temporarily stop providing them services, spreding them influenza, watching them hands, shaking them booty.
Just go away!
oh, “them” services eh?
We temporarily stop providing them services… for your convenience.
Watch your hands. You will be them if your hands are found else where on another person’s lap.
Coffee Nazi: NO COFFEE FOR YOU!!!
CAUTION: Drinking Java Coffee may spred swine influenza.
Watch your hands before and after using computer… you might break a nail
No java for me? That’s okay, I was gonna watch my hair tonight…
OK OK! I’ve been watching my hands for hours. What is supposed to happen next?
Hey, kid, you look a little sickly. I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you not to use the computer. And watch your hands!
Actually it has nothing to do with the flu, the baristas just wish that male customers would WATCH THEIR HANDS!
Hey-watch the hands!
OK, since you’re spreding swine influenza, I’ll just go to the internet cafe down the street.
Thanks for letting us know and hoping ya don’t go bankrupt.
Luv you Java guys, kiss kiss!
We can dance… we can dance… everybody look at your hands… safety dance!
Watch your hands… “OMG!! The virus are growing!!”
I’d, uh, rather not watch what my hands are doing while I’m using the computer…
Java Coffee. “Spreding swine influenza” (trademark) and warning their customers since 2009.
SIR! Could you *please* watch your hands! We’re not *them* kind of computer service!
Java Coffee is a member of the department of redundancy department.
So do i type with my nose then to be safe?
Please be advise that if customer hand bigger than customer face customer got the Swine flu.
Swine influenza: now available in a delicious spredable form.
You might want to watch your hands – I think the right one is trying to murder the left one…
Just when I’m feeling vulnerable, someone else to put me down !!
A coffee experience known by the nickname Starbugs.
when you watch your hands, you make less eroors
*shudders* I’ll use my computer at home, thank you very much! 🙁
If its not the flu or the coughin,
It’s the coffin they carry you off in.
See, this is why I’m always afraid to show my sensitive side in coffee shops.
FINE! i’ll go infect the couple hundred Starbucks stores i saw on the way here!!!
The hands are quicker than the eye. Don’t blink!
damn them services! whenever I be walkin’ in da stores, people be like, we’re stopping them services for you!
I will wash my hands everytime, i sware
No coffee for me? That okay, I watching my figure anyway.
I got my eye on you, hands!
You may need a microscope…
Lemme guess… they went out of business.
that works out, i cant type anything without watching my hands anyway. but being told to makes me feel a little vulnerable, do i have to leave? does the warning spread the pig flu, or the java coffee itself? now i really feel vulnerable …… I gotta get outta here. thanks for making my germophobia give me an anxiety attack, frickin coffee wasnt good anyway.
watch them hands!!
Hmmm … Java coffee … Computers … Java software … Virus …
Figure out!