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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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But i like a good smork after having tout
Tout! Tout! These are the things I can do without!
No bill posters and no pom poms either.
Is that a good tout or a bad tout ?
MOM: I’m really disappointed in you.
TOMMY: Because I smorked and then lied about it?
MOM: No…
TOMMY: Because I stole them, touted and littered?
MOM: No, because you smorked.
“Mooooooom! He keeps touting me…!”
This means you can still smoke, smonk, and somk
I guess you can’t tout smorks either…or do two wrongs make a right?
i cant stand here much longer i need to tout somewhere else
They’re improving. ‘No smonking’ lost half of it’s ‘n’! 🙂
“If you tout one more time, I’m going to call the cops!”
YES kill
Wait, if you read each one carefully, all four items are not prohibited. The exclamation is after NO in each one, therefore breaking up the statement. This means each one is actually two statements, and therefore not prohibited.
Smork, Litter, Tout and Shoplift away!
they forgot “no cheating on the floor”
Tokyo is off the list for my holidays. Im am a touting, littering, smorking, shoplifter.
No tout? damnit, I just had some mexican food last night.
Pub-eye the smorking man, tout, tout
A routing touting Jappie chappie.
Two wong don’t make a white.) Aust Pollie late 1950s Arthur Calwell)
That pink thing on the post, is the calcified remains of the last smorking, littering, shoplifitng tout, we strung up.
Maybe “NO!! tout” is actually a Fringrish prohibition of everything.
No tout Happy Fun Ball!
Does jt count if I just touch myself?
NO!! Such thing as Tout
Jeez-what is this, Russia?
However, smirking and touching are NOT prohibited.
I’m not touting you~!
I’m just going to that other mall where shoplifting is allowed.
Smorking has been much touted as a sure-fire way to get lung cancer.
Wanna go smork a jornt in the parking lot?
This sign has been touted as the best way to prevent offensive behavior.
When you’re in lorv, smork gets in your eyes…
No Lout
But I tout shoplifted Smorks for a living?!?!
Now into the creek and fish for the tout, dive right in and splash about; tout tout pretty little tout, one more splash and come right out.
No smorking, so yes smoking right
But come at and do fun.
you can smoke all you want..
God Damned Smorkers!!!
Random thought: “tout” le monde (everyone in English) lol. No “tout”? Oh no this street’s just more than packed, la ville de Shibuya.
Shoplifting and littering I can understand, but what do they have against smorking and touting?
You heard them. When they SAY NO SMORKING, they mean NO SMORKING! 😀
Since when is the Swedish Chef calling the shots???
Sounds like someone from Manchester !!
Swedish Chef: “Een deesh heere yooo sheee dee no shmorking sign. Bork Bork Bork!!!”
Tout: Something Arnold Schwarzenegger says to a person asking to leave a house, structure, or vehicle.
Sentence: “Get tout, Aul Beeh Bahck.”
…but going smorkling is okay.
Smork neal me an I’le kirr you!
when I think about you I tout myself..