Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Minele and Makcey
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Signs of Micky Mouse’s impending dementia were finally beginning to show…
Even with the current economic downturn and the need to cut costs, Disney’s switchover to Google Translator probabally wasn’t a good idea…
Are you sure this is Engrish? It seems like they are not even attempting to speak English here.. more like Haitian Kreyol maybe?
I can’t quite put my finger on it but something about this shirt tells me that it might not be officially licensed Disney merchandise.
I feel dissey just reading this.
From the company that bought Duffle Dock, The Raid Rummer, Scringe and Boggs Bennie.
The dark side of Mickey when he gets drunk
What Mickey tells Minnie when he begs for sex
If you don’t trust Diseey enough, you can always coumt on mo.
That made me feel Diseey….
What happened to Larry and Curly?
You can count on counterfeit Disney characters in Eastern countries, but you can’t count on correct grammar.
In Soviet Russia, Mackey Moushe catches you!
Makcey the knifecy.
I guess A, B, C isn’t as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Disney did it’s best to hide the evidence of Mickey’s long time drinking problem.
Sadly, after Mickey became a politician, he started going on “trips” to South America. Makcey and Manele just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
A relic from Genesis P.-Orridge’s brief tenure at the Disney art department.
Evidence of Taiwan’s long-hidden secret population of German or Jewish fashion designers and tailors!
(Minele is affectionate for “Little Minnie” in either German or Yiddish, if i’m not mistaken.)
Last time I counted on Mo, he never showed up and I was mugged by a hobo!
this is what happens when you type after spinning on a swivel chair, you get very Disney
Not only are they talking drunk, their yellow eyes reveal permanent liver damage.
M-A-K-C-E-Y, M-U-O-S-E!
Makcey Muose!
Danold Dukc!
Makcey Musoe!
Dnoald Dkuc!
Translated from Mandarin to English by someone who only spoke Swahili
Donald Duck, hah.
My favorite line from “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”, was when the various Disney and Warner Brothers cartoon characters were falling and you see Donald and Daffy falling together:
Donald, looking at Daffy: “Quaaack quaack quaaaack, quaaaaaaack!!!”
Daffy (Looking directly at the audience) : “Has anybody ever understood a single word this duck is saying?”
Well…it would seem Disney’s new marketing team since the merger with Marvel Comics is a sure fire winner.
No doubt that the entire casts changed their names too.
Like Donrad Duk, Disy Duk, Rluto, Moffy, name it! XD
I just had a flashback to when Bratney Spers was on the Makcey Moose Club.
Markey Mark Mouse: “Coumt on mo.”
Mimele Mouse: “No, YOU coumt on mo!”
“I’m fine… just a little Diseey.”
Disney was starting to question their decision to give Mickey schizophrenia.
lets count on Mo
sounds like someone knocked his teef oot
Say hi to Wahl Diseey for me.
They began to lose their minds just as jaundice set in.
That was so bad, it made Engrish sound good!
copyright issues, taiwan?
Mikkey and Minele, inescapably supportive.
after the designers first attempt to type with his feet he decided thats just not way to go and resumed typing with his elbows
Mackey & Minele, Lomero & Juriatte, Boneme & Claude, Hallard & Moade… I’m a sucker for all the classic couples.
How could they copy the drawings so well and failed at text so bad? I mean, theyvcould just re-draw letters as objects … right?!
Hey ho, let’s mo!