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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
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Great, instructions right on the front!
I also drink moderately. I always keep a case of Moderately under the bed. (Dean Martin)
Drunk Drunker!
You don’t have to tell me twice, twicer.
Drink, drinker. Drunk, drunker. Sleep, sleeper.
Evidence of what happens when i have a bottle in front of me AND a frontal lobotomy!
What directions are put on the cover of Brazilian condoms?
“Rub, Rubber” ???
At least we know who the Beer Bearer is.
I really, really want to! I need it so bad! But I’m supposed to be tonight’s designated driver. So I guess I’ll just sob, sober.
Engrish Puns again! HEYO!
Drink Drinker! Drank…drunk!
Served in finer restaurants like Eat.
Also available in the liquor aisle at Store.
But, the bottle TOLD me to!
Barkeeper: What will it be?
Customer: Drink!
Barkeeper: Uh-huh? Such as…
Customer: Drink Drinker!
Barkeeper: You’ve had too much already.
We’ve secretly replaced Kanye West’s cognac with Drink Drinker. Let’s see if he notices the difference…
shut up, bottle! you’re not the boss of me!
See Drinker drink, drink drinker drink.
See Drinker get drunk, poor drinker.
It goes well with Food Fooder.
In Soviet Russia, wine drinks you!
We now need to find an Engrish with the equivalent with the “grenade” fire extinguisher in the toidy.
(Sh*t, Sh*tter??)
What might be fun is to reverse the order! Examples:
Drinker – > Drink
Blubber – > Blub
Any good ones folks can think of?
Drink Drinker, it’s the drinkest drink out there!
I Drink Drinker.
Might explain why I puke puker.
From the makers of Drink, Drank, Drunk.
Drink Drinker
Buy Buyer
Sell Seller
Read Reader
Write Writer
Type Typer
Pee Peer
Puke Puker
Rap Rapper
Rape Raper
Play Player
Kill Killer
Snipe Sniper
Hey Alex Sortor I’m really happy for you and Imma let you finish but Beyonce has one of the best videos of the year.
The instruction only says ‘drink’. Nothing says i have to pay for it.
I wonder if the Marketing department in ‘Drink inc.’ argued into the early hours on the finer points what to name their latest beverage?
Drink Drunker decides to rebrand for a clearer message.
Nobody paid actually atention at the bottle of “contini”, man this shop is priceless! Where is the Jaques Deniels?
As long as it makes her Pretty, Prettier…..
Lay bricks, bricklayer! Lay plums, plumber! Oh wait…
Wine Winer.
After the UK government’s push for more accurate drink labelling, even this blindingly obvious drink was renamed- to Drunk Drinker.
Lick Liquor
“i was toally hammered when i made that label” – labeler
Drink Drinker… Makes the drunk drunker!
Type – ^ writer
Rap – ^ rapist
Bull – ^ shittest
drink drinker causes me to fart farter… hmm..
would not mind a smok smoker with it too
yo dawg! i heard you like drinking! so i put a drink in your drink so you can get drunk while youre drunk!
drink, drinker, drinkerer.
Drink, Drinker, Drinkiest. Take me drunk I’m home!
I can see the people who gave this drink its title had quite an imagination.
– Drink! Feck! Girls! Arse!