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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I love this stuffs!
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Green things, sliced whatchamacallit, watery stuff, a dash of whatsit, what could be better?
I guess Mystery Meat isn’t limited to high schools and hospitals anymore.
Stuff. Its what’s for dinner.
Please see the Information Hall of Meat for further details. 🙂
I’m sure I saw this on the menu in various British Rail buffets a few years ago… 😮
This takes the idea of “Pot Luck” to a whole new dimension! 🙂
Why can’t they just come out and say MSG and red #40?
Beware the creature that lives at the bottom of the bowl.
Stuffs and Things! Just like mother used to make.
None for me, thanks. I’m stuffed.
A nun checked the beef stuffs and said, “Holy Cow!”
Mystery ingredients is my favorite.
Highly recommended at the Smart Noshery.
And remember kids, always eat your stuffs.
Introducing a brand new dish… you name it, and it’s yours!
Comes with “A Vegetable”.
the name translates to “military base stew” because back in the day, they used to take scrap food from the military base and throw it in pot and boil it…yum yum
i like me a nice bowl of thingamajig topped off with some whatsitcalled.
Waiter waiter, what is this in my soup?
Stuffs sir.
The Soup of the day is, like, beef soup with, like, these other kinds of stuffs, you know?
Mah boi, this beef stuff! soup is what all true warriors strife for!
HR Beef N Stuff.
You can’t have a little and you can’t have enough !
It’s made with 100% HR Pufnstuf
Hate it when someone beets me to it
Stuffs = Salmonella, Botulism and assorted unnamed bacterial growths.
Beef soup. You know what you doing.
Soup customer: “May I have some other kinds of Stuffs with my Beef Soup?”
Soup Nazi: “How dare you be vague about what to add to my fine soups? No soup for you!”
I love mystery meat, it’s like those mystery flavored dum-dum pops… it’s fun to guess what you get!
from the picture, it looks “all dressed”! I guess it’s the same kind of ‘stuffs’ you’ll find on any generic pizza… You won’t get sick, but you wish it had made you, because digesting it is the real challenge!
I like my stuffs with a side of hullabaloo!
Time to stuff my stumic with stuffs
“Little Jackie Paper, he loved that rascal Puff/And brought him strings and beefy soup and other fancy stuffs!”
I’ll have the Beef Soup, please hold the stuffs.
Mom, what are we having with our other kinds of stuffs? Don’t tell me it’s beef soup again.
Take this soup and stuff it.
We just toss in any old crap we can find.
We don’t just use any kinda stuff! We only use the best stuff.
You might want to say Grace before eating this. And maybe after, too.
That white cubed stuffs looks like tofu. Great idea! Since tofu soaks up the flavour of whatever it’s cooked with, put it in beef soup to make it taste like real beef! 🙂
If you don’t eat your beef, you can’t have any other kinds of stuffs!
How can you have any other kinds of stuffs if you don’t eat your beef?
does it include stuff toys? har har! :))
i love the stuffs!!
I love stuffs Pho. Stuffs has the superior flavors.
“We just threw stuff in. Enjoy!”
Who knows what other stuffs could be in the beef already
It’s everything in one pot. Enjoy!
– Would you like something to eat, Sir?
– Whatever.