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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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(Boss to staff)
Hey, somebody lock the doors open and get some air in here!!!
I’m upgrading to a more absorbent phone.
Potty mouth!
Managed by committee…
Nokia’s new Engrish name: SCATIA
Smart phones for the smart ass
A cell phone for telemarketing?
Nikia flushing it all away.
Yeah, but their lousy customer service is likely to give you irritable bowel.
Guess where to put the charger pin?
Operator! I’ve been disconnocted.
To establish a connoction dial a noomber.
More poower to the poople.
Connoc, connoc!
Who’se there?
Yeah… my cell phone service is crap.
we specialize in diarrhea of the mouth!
Well what do you expect from the Poopies Republic of China?
Wasn’t “Poopie” a character in “Crash of the Moons?”
This phone stinks!
You know you have bad breath when people can smell you through the phone.
That sign’s a real Connoct Out !!
Customer: Uhh, can I pay for the phone out here?
Sales Clerk: Uhh, OK. Why?
Customer: Better out than in.
at least they have the Blackberry Brownstorm.
Don’t you mean a brownberry?
(or even a dingleberry.)
Poopie the Cellphone man
At least it’s better than concocting poopie.
Please check out our new model, the Nokia Cling-on
To be connocted to a Poopie Care Representative, please press number two.
Your choice of ringtones:
Toilet floosh, water saving (too short)
Toilet floosh, water wasting (really, really long)
Nokia being dropped in the poopier (Ohh nooo!)
Nokia being extracted from poopier (sh*t!! sh*t!! sh*t!!)
Can you smell me now?
Well, at least they’re honest about their opinions of clients.
To know hot to use a Nokia propertly, see the green shirt in the upper right corner.
I honestly don’t get it. My bewilderment is complete. I mean, this isn’t a botched translation. Bad translations are hard enough to understand as it is, especially on giant signs or billboards from large, serious companies. If you want to build a giant, expensive sign you can spend the very small amount of money and effort it takes to get it right, right? You can at least ASK a native speaker of the language if what you wrote made sense, can’t you? But in this case… they didn’t even have to do that! There wasn’t any need to translate. Just… Read more »
putting the “no” in “Nokia”
Poopies needs to stay connocted with other poopies too!
I’ve failed trying to concoct a comical caption. Having a connaption fit !
Nokia pantient no.1182
Browneye technology for there new cameraphones.
Comes Browntooth Enabled
Nokia branches out into the sewer system.
Time to flush mine down the toilet
who’s in your poop circle?
Full range of dungtones.
Every time the phone rings I think “Oh crap…”
I always knew something smelled funny about Nokia.
Quti talkin’ S****!
well that expalins the bad reception here in Dongguan
obvious fake. Anyone with mediocre Photoshop skills could do better. Compare the i’s– the second is obviously an L with a line drawn through it.
Engrish is struggling, maybe? Or just duped….
Oh, yes that makes a lot more sense now! that would make it Connoctin Poople! thanks Bob!
Not a blackberry but a dingleberry. Maybe Crapple will come out with an ipood.