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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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You can just help youself, we dont care at all.
Is THAT what they mean by “zero-scape???”
Obamas new heath plan at work!
Open 24 hours, just not in a row.
What you can’t see is all the dents in the car from “satisfied” customers…
^ ^ ^
…”satisfied” customers we ran over, that is…
You curse the nurse and land in a hearse!
Nursing home operates by the legendary “Zero”
This company is a new entrant to the health care industry and everything just starts from zero.
I’d tell you to have a nice day, but… you know…
My middle name is not Karen.
What bedside manner?
We have a “zero tolerance” for caring.
You get what you pay for…
From the makers of “Zero Wing”.
When nobody else will help, call “Zero Care”!
We won’t either.
The opposite of Hero Car.
Call somebody who cares!
As tried and approved by Bupa… 😉
Our service will leave you with nothing to hope for!
Their slogan: “The customer is never king”
ZC: Zero Care, how may I direct your call?
ED: Uh, hello?
ZC: Yes, Zero Care, how may I help you?
ED: Uh, I don’t understand Engrish?
ZC: Okaaaay, buh-bye.
ZC: Zero Care, how may I direct your call…
A polite, indirect, and quintessentially Japanese way of avoiding having to utter the typical Westerner’s more direct and in-your-face phrase ” **** off and die! “
Does this mean that Gloria does not love me anymore?
No your care are belong to us.
In the year 2009, home nursing care was beginning.
They just don’t care.
“Someone | 4:55 am | Vote: 1 0
Their slogan: “The customer is never kingâ€
Dude, this is Japan. The slogan need modifying to:
“The customer is NOT God.”
Where Customer Service is number… um… what was I saying?
Honesty in Advertising comes to Japan.
” Yugan | 8:27 am | Vote: 2 0
Honesty in Advertising comes to Japan.”
Today Japan!
Tomorrow the rest of the world!
(Well, we can always hope for a Fantastic Dream Miracle, can’t we?)
Maybe they stop by in a WWII-era Japanese fighter plane…
Driven by a recovering Co-Dependent.
Hey my company used these guys
Everybody needs a little ZLC sometimes.
I never thought I would see an honest HMO.
So my daughter is like ‘you need to see a doctor’ and I’m all ‘no I don’t’ but she insists, so, I get these guys, Zero Care, figuring, hey, perfect, right? But no. It’s just more false advertising, because they *do* care. No aloohol and meat. No smonking. No violations of the society of manners. No getting impure due to death. No cession of fake-cracking down. I can’t do *anything* anymore.
Service with a…frown, apparantley.
Why even bother putting a caption here anyway?
Zero Care. Lowering expectations since 2008 !
OUT: Tough Love.
IN: Zero Loving Care.
Zero care: For the discriminating history buff who wants a professional to take care of their WWII Japanese fighter plane relics.
Beetle Bailey’s comrade goes medic.
Service with a look of indifference.
I’m at the bottom of the captions, as usual, but’cha know what? I don’t care. Meh.
No surprise, it’s single payer.
Thank god you guys are here, ever since my insurance lapsed you’re my only… uh, hey come back! Come back!! HEY!!
So this is where they dump old people…
Q: What’s the difference between ignorance and indifference?
A: Zero Know and Zero Care.
What is a pretty sane-looking flower doing there anway? Gardening as a part-time job while someone broke his leg and is needing your assistance? Yeah! who cares? It’s not like the boss gives a damn about your salary anyway.