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Can’t get the damn thing through the door.
Lawn gnomes in the aisles and some hideously low hanging mistletoe contraptions I bet….
It says ‘please understand’ but i don’t
No, I’m afraid I don’t understand.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you decorations, make excuses.
Yeah, I don’t get “modern decor” either…
I understand that this is the new slogan for the ICBC.
Please understand that this decoration is for the inconvenience of passers-by.
You’re darned right it’s inconvenient!
How on EARTH am I supposed to wade through all those decorations to get to the ATM now???
I don’t want to stand under the inconvenience.
I can’t stand when the International Consortium for Blockading Corridors is in town.
Feng Sh*t
ICBC stands for Inconvenient Commercial Bank of China
I’m trying so hard to understand but I just can’t. Why must you frustrate me with decorations?
ICBC: specializing–In The Way Planters, Bench Blockades, and Stumbling Fountains
We also do road repairs during Rush Hour
This is what’s known as a Decoration Detour
This is why you don’t let straight guys do the decorating.
Modern erections are inconvenient till you can’t get them through the door. Once you’re used to them… they aren’t modern any longer! 😀
Looking this beautiful isn’t about convenience.
It’s going to open to reveal a fountain, directly blocking the bathrooms.
Here at the ICBC, we understand your need for the inconvenience, which is why we regularly purchase new decorations for our offices.
From the creators of the DMV.
Now we know what the purpose of a doily actually is.
Freshly decorated for your personal inconvenience.
ICBC=Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
This Decoration is made to annoy You and Make Things Generally Inconvenient.
native chinese here. is this in beijing or shanghai? the translation sucks, ‘cos the chinese words above actually says: under decoration, and sincerely sorry for the inconvenience. i’m not sure if my translation is more natural, but at least that’s what it’s supposed to mean.
Pop quiz – in what year was the ‘Decoration of Inconvenience’ signed?
I think Al Gore once received a Decoration of Inconvenience
Makes sense when the place in question is an obstacle course…
The Yoda sign company, this is from
So they put the sign in my way on purpose?
Al Gore’s new documentary: An Inconvenient Excuse
Ironic second line…