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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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He’s mighty prist you left the religion!
Careful, you don’t know where he’s been.
Keep away from fire, brimstone, and any other sources of ignition.
Those who prefer the ways of the Antichrist might want to try our “Santa” costume insted.
More wine Vicar?
No thanks…I’m prist enough as it is! 😉
If I saw this coming to your door I’d be pretty scared.
Careful! One of my best friends is a Non . . .
Ever since you became a Christian, he’s been really prist off!
Oh Chreist!
After running over Screech with his bike, Zack Morris joined the Pristhood to atone for his sins.
I would like to dress as a Pop.
Oh, stop, Gurlfriend! You can be such a prist!
And now we know why Barbie and Ken never married…
“E” is the most carnal, unholy of vowels.
Better than a Nn
That huge cross is borderline-bling.
Mr. T called, he wants his necklace back. Oh, and Mr. E called, he says he has something for you.
He’ll see you at church on Ester.
Everyone knew that Father Damien had turned when he dropped the e and started flashing gang signs at mass.
He’s so prist off.
Ken-is that you?
The power of E compels you! The power of E compels you!
I wonder if there’s a model with a huge clock in the middle of that cross?
The funky thing is, the Japanese characters are the Japanese word “Bokushi” meaning “Minister” or “Pastor”, used for Protestant pastors.
The Japanese word for a Catholic priest is “Shinpu” a different word with different Kanji (characters) entirely!
They even got the title for Father Ken wrong on the packaging!!!
Sxy altar boy sold separately.
Hory Chriest!
Th Prist will tach us all about Jsus.
That Prist is supposed to be a Halloween costume.
On All Hallows Eve, if he walks up to you and says “Hey little girl, want some CANDY?” then RUN LIKE THE WIND.
(Or I guess if it’s the Catholic church, watch out for “Hey little boy…” too!)
Beyeble not included. Made by Kreasetians.
I always end up Prist when I drink the commmunion wrine/
Brss m Fathr for I hav sinnd.
Can he help me get to Haven?
Holy Water and Myrrh sold separately
At least he’s not Prist off.
Pristine condition!
I am (somewhat) relieved to read the explanation for the kanji for Protestant pastors vs. Catholic priests. My (very limited) study of kanji had me translating them as “breed” “expert”.
An expert at breeding??? Does he have to get Prist first?
God breast you, my child!
G I Joe, army chaplin
Prist the prissy priest. Now unnessisarily good looking with patented child mollesting action!
Wholy Babble not included.
Bless me, Father, for I’ve grinned while looking at this picture.
you’ll find him at chuch.
Pris Jisis!
A Mister, a Rabi, and a Prist walk into a bar….
I think you’d be prist too, if you were wearing that costume.
Sx offndr.
I love Juds Prist!!
Batteris not included?