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It’s not surprising the pork has been flied…That disk looks like it’s been sat there for weeks! 😮
I think there’s more to this translation than first meets the eye. That “Flied Pork” looks more like bleaded, flied Cod to me…
[Oh, and “disk” above should read “dish”…I was a little too quick for my keyboard. 😐 ]
The Environmental Health Inspectorate are gonna have a field day with this one! 😀
If this is the first part of the Set, I’d hate to see the second half . . .
Served on a bed of maggots with lemon to flavour.
Kyoto’s new branch of McDonalds had a rather hard time getting off the ground… 😉
Oh I’d love to eat that …. WHEN PIGS FL…. oh wait …. Yeah go on, I’ll have some.
For breakfast try the Roached Eggs.
Garnish with a butterfly and a sprinkle of Beetlejuice.
“Hey, Waiter! There’s a fly on my pork!”
“Shhhh! Quick, hide it! Or everyone will want one!”
“… first, soak the pork in a mirk warsh. Then coat the pork generousry in a mixture of blead clumbs and flies…”
You pay only 1000 Yen for a set of Don Katsu. You are lucky that it was flied.
Hmm! Nice pork! Only problem is its slight buzzy aftertaste.
Swine flew?
Something about that dish bugs me…
The Japanese equivalent of Weiner Schitzel.
Mmmmm……………with remon!
When pig flies.
Filed pork set, but porky’s momma is upset!
Adding a lemon doesn’t make it taste better.
Swine Flu just hit Japan.
Tired of waiting for the cow, Babe jumped over the moon.
Flide Pork set, and match
I was sitting there with my Ant, eating my flied pork, when suddenly, I spider sitting in the corner, all alone. Gnaturally, I asked her to join us. “It’s never good to bee alone,” I joked, waspishly. She put on her yellow jacket and came over to our table. Said her name was Bea Till. Pointed outside at a religious fanatic. “That Praying Man ’tis annoying me!” she screamed. She calmed down and told me she was in the catering business. Brought Greek columns to weddings. That’s right, she’d Cater Pillars. That was enough for me. I said, “Lady, bug… Read more »
Can I get this with a side of hot sand?
Sandwich choice: flied pork on Engrish muffin.
Porky porky,
Fair flat an flied,
Put him in a lunchbox,
And take him for a ride
heh, heh, heh, I said “Lady, bug off!” heh heh. Get it? Heh heh.
Next week’s special: roached beef.
Diners must bring their own can of Raid. 🙂
Swine flew
I should have expected this when I noticed the cook was Kermit the Frog…
I just HATE getting flies in my Tonkatsu (Pork Cutlet).
It is made from 100% pure dead meat plus the flies! 🙂
Flied pork? Did it came from a swine flew?
William Golding’s favorite dish.