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We aim to please! You aim too, PLEASE!
If you hit the rim, you’re a GONER!!
There’s nothing like a civilised urinating to bring fresh air enjoyment.
Woman who cooks meat and pees in same pot very unhygienic.
I love the smell of ammonia in the morning.
Gives a new meaning to ‘sh*t hitting the fan’.
And what is so civilized about peeing in the dog’s food bowl?
If you don’t pee civilized, you can’t have any fresh air. How can you
have any fresh air if you don’t eat pee civilized?
Two streams? Some might be bitterly disappointed to find out it’s just one to a customer. Unless you’re an opossum.
Found at the Asparagus farm.
I didn’t know the Chinese enjoy stinky fresh air in the toilet!
But until you’re finished urinating, you must stay in here and endure the results of your uncivilized actions.
Any urinating elsewhere would just be uncivilized.
Capital One: What’s in Your Urinal?
I’d like to know what I can enjoy after finishing a civilized defecating. All I know is that it’s probably not fresh air.
And any three shakes more continuing, maturbation is.
(Typo) And any three shakes more continuing masturbation is.
But meanwhiles we urge you to hold your breath while urinating. We hope it doesn’t take too long. 🙂
And if you can’t be civilized, urine trouble.
And not a moment sooner! And wipe the commode when you’re done! And put the seat down afterwards! And don’t forget to flush! And zip up your fly! And then, and only then, are you allowed to enjoy the fresh air, young man.
We aim to please? More like we aim two place!
OK, now this is some dang good Engrish.
Now we know: the melting pot of civilization is a urinal.
Why is he peeing with one leg in the air?
How come his uhhh “unit” is hanging down from his chest?
Now that you’re done, step forward for civilization.
I’m not sure what’s civilized about forked urine stream and peeing on one leg.
New from Glade, the Urine Air Santitizer. Just attach and go!
What I read from it is that it’s some kinda air dryer. I’ve seen toilets with built-in water squirters and air dryers. They always tell me I spend too much time in there, though.
Bathroom signs…a little too graphic.
It seems that the civilizeds have a “different” anatomy, strange urinating devices, or put their socks on while doing it. All three are probably correct.
Sometimes, the most civilized thing to do is to pee on a wallet.
So that’s why it’s called the gentlemen’s room…
Prince Albert perhaps?
Is he peeing through his arm or is he really hung?
Do not expect fresh air when rudely crapping!
Is that a penis, or a person holding one leg up? If it were a penis, it’d be protruding from the abdomen.
nothing like a civilized pee on a brick to freshen the air
You may also enjoy sake while making civilized small talk with other urinators.
But if you conduct an uncivilized urinating, we cut off your supply of oxygen.
Etiquette School for boys.
“Now read it with me class: if you sprinkle while you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie!”
“but why?”
“Because Little Johnny, then the air will smell fresher!”
“Mrs. Jones, these kids are old enough to understand that. Take down the kiddie sign and put up a new one.”
Uncivilized urinating pisses us off.
No uncivilized pee
Wees and breeze.
Ohh that is how you do it! I never knew. Thankyou for the visual aid…
Yuna, thats how the chinese pee, you didnt know?? 🙂
If you miss we will find you enjoying your fresh air and the staff will make you clean it up. Smile your on camera
After the urinating its off to the foxes. Cheerio.
does the picture depicts a man with his foot up against a wall while urinating? poor guy he never enjoyed fresh air afterwards…
what’s “uncivilised urinating” then?