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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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It’s just like doors with GPP from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Ah It must be Midvale School for the Gifted.
Is Rich Little doing porn stars now?
Pontiac: we built excitement, and impression, once!
Won’t you be excited as a giant pendulum knocks you face down into 18 inches of wet cement ! Join us inside !
The backdoor says ” Now you have the depression for the rest of your day”
“If the house is a-rockin’, don’t bother knockin’, come on in.”
Is that an egg roll or are you just excited to see me?
Put the gun down!
And you’ll leave feeling sadness and broke, at once.
“The Viagratron 5000! The latest in Holosuite Virtual Reality! Try it now for the first 30 days… FREE!”‘
I just have to get the right foot in the door…
I demand excitement and impression.
Sure you will – but what about the woman?
Oooooh! Aaaaaah! -*- Now what ?
Stimulation will cost extra
Messing with glass leaves abrasions and concussions, NOT impressions!
Nah, instant gratification takes too long.
I will experience excitement and impression. You, on the other hand, will experience boredom and depression! 🙂
This store is awesome! I got these DVDs called “Baby Maker” there!
Customers are constantly coming and going.
Surgeon General’s warning: excitement and impression, when taken simultaneously, can be hazardous to your health.
Brothels are getting more and more subtle…
Experience the excitement and feel the impression at once…
…Have a fight! 🙂
…Then I will step back, realise that it’s a carnival mirror I was looking into, and that I’m not as good looking as I’d been led to believe.
…Because it’s compulsory.
Pizza Hut refused to deliver ever since the “incident”
That must be an exciting comedy club.
I *will* also marvel at the rock-bottom prices. And I *will* enjoy the excellent customer service. May I please enter the store now, sir?
A japanese man with an erection walks into a wall…
Somebody’s hooked on Prozak.
They have damn good manequins!
you wanna go get some breakfast afterwards?
Is an impression like an anti-erection?
It’s the Orgasmatron from “Barbarella”!
So…you wanna see me experience excitement and impression at once? It’s pretty cool to watch.