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Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘love sick’
Shake rattle and roll.
Also available: “Amazing Intestinal Convulsion” Doll!
Pah…these young ones and their new styles of dancing…back in my day it was “one two heel toe”. Now its “spasm spasm spasm floor”!
The design seems a little bit shaky.
To be PC, it’s a doll made to boost epilectic kids self esteem.
The perfect companion for Tickle Me Elmo.
Puke included but battery not included!
There is no doubt . The feel of plastic makes me horny.
With a face like that, I feel a convulsion coming on…
“My eyes! My eyes! I may be blinded for life…!”
“My First Baby Hooker… part of the Fashionable Girls Collection!”
They put it at the front of the store near the cash registers. It’s a convulsory buy.
WHAT?! I told you before that Engrish puns are ALWAYS funny.
Available in Grand Mal and Petit Mal …
Ummm… Exactly what part of her convulses?
— Buyer (?) Bill
Oh look, it comes with a cloth that your supposed to put in her mouth.
ROFS! (rolling on floor seizuring)
That thing is creepy looking. Her laser beam eyes force you into visual convulsion. Amazing,indeed. Quick, avert your eyes!
I just can’t imagine what they really meant to say…
illegitimate daughter of Bipolar Belinda.
This is what I call a doll with a twist…and turn.
that baby has whore eyes… i bet she´s a bratz doll
Like Barbie’s Ken, the name of her companion is Julius Seizure!
Neurontin not include.
EPILEPSY WARNING READ THIS NOTICE BEFORE YOU OR YOUR CHILD USE ANY FASHION DOLL A very small portion of the population have a condition which may cause them to experience epileptic seizures or have momentary loss of consciousness when viewing certain kinds of flashing lights or patterns that are commonly present in our daily environment. These persons may experience seizures while watching some kinds of television pictures or playing certain fashion dolls. Players who have not had any previous seizures may nonetheless have an undetected epileptic condition. If you or anyone in your family has experienced symptoms linked to an… Read more »
If that’s considered a “lovely” doll over there, I dread to think what their “average” and “budget” ones are like… 😐
OK, I’ll admit that I’m completely useless when it comes to fashion…But didn’t that hairstyle go out of fashion at the end of the 70’s? 😉
I have to remind you that this is the VISUAL convulsion doll, wait for the audio convulsion version.
5 speed convulsion remote sold separately.
With Music! Music makes better! Lets convulsion!
super kung fu seizure action!
I think the mouth is too small.