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No refnud
Purveyors of qulaity art products.
And you piad how much for this?
Wait till you see those edaM ni anihC!
Thts god to knwo
Apparently practice doesn’t make perfect…
Get maed, paed, and laed, in Japan.
Maed in Japan, Asslembed in WanTai
come on, lighten up, they got “in” and “Japan” right. 2 out of 3 isn’t too bad!
Must’ve been maed in Toyko
The Massachusetts Alliance for Economic Development now has an office in Japan?
The alphabetical union had a strike and one of the terms was that e must now always appear before d.
Might explain the strange title of a Heavy Metal video that I have in my collection: Maeden Japan! 🙂
“Oh look, a new art box! Maed in Japan, huh. Let’s see, we got some pincels, some pnes, some piant, some eresars…”
must be them /b/tards… they spell liek that
Is it better than something maed in china?
“maed” in Japan=”skae”
Hmm, I thought it was maed in Tawain..
you can neevr pay too mcuh for good rat!
The borough of Japan in Wales, that is.
can i by you a vowl?
Typo Inculded.
More competitaen agaenst the Bae Amaericaen movemaent.
but I eated it…
Englsih traslated for conevience
everything is made in chnai.
Seriously, there is a guy in my online master’s of education program (MAEd) stationed in Yokohama, right now. His degree will truly be: MAEd in Japan.
Oh, the things I can maek!
This is incorrect. It’s ‘Mad’ in Japan!