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I don’t know about little girls, but as a little boy I would have LOVED a rocket horse! And before long my mama would have been out of sight.
I hope that parking lot is big enough; rocket horses need quite some room to slow down…
makes you wonder what she’ll bring when she takes her son to the park.
With my rocket horse I’ll take on the airplane. I will take a photo to record my memory.
She may see her mama far away. The man with faraway mama may be ken. In some faraway corner, aunt Barbie may be taking their photo to record their enjoyment as memories forever.
I think the kid is looking through the binoculars backwards…
“My daughter enrolled herself in an engineering college and made a rocket horse, at the ripe age of 6! How clever is she!” 😀
Looks like Lucy is going to have to ‘splain why Little Ricky is wearing a dress.
Look through these and you can see my mama. She’s waaay across the park wearing the high heels, leather skirt and tube top. She says I shouldn’t come near her for a couple hours because she has very important meetings behind that dumpster she’s leaning against.
Single Mom Fashion Doll… Does she come with a pink double wide trailer?
I’m not the horse they think I am at home. Oh no, no, no: I’m a rocket horse!
I see your mama… but, who’s yer daddy!?
Stop looking for your mama on the binoculars. She’s right next to you, little kid.
There isn’t any kid who doesn’t want a Rocket Horse!
A ton more of Defa Lucy can be found here:
The language of mature is to be found.
They own the trademark for “SUNDAY”??!?
Watch where you’re pointing those binoculars, you litte perv!
I can see Mama’s ta-tas from here!
You may see your mamma from far away… But chances are you won’t.
A Rocket Horse??? Don’t tell Catherine the Great about that.
That park must really suck since you have to bring your own slide board and rocket horse. It would be easier to just stay home.
This does not even need a caption. The sheer awesome of the Rocket Horse is just too cool.
Severe birth defects can be overcome.
Japan’s version of Robot Chicket just isn’t as good as the original.
Interesting. She says she’ll take her daughter to the park and bring her favorite toys, yet there are two children in the photo. Someone’s choosing favorites!
I bet Barbie Wannabe is required to take the photo as a condition of her parole.
Lucy’s daughter suspects she may be abandoned in the park. The binoculars will help her track down her mother. You can’t outrun the rocket horse!
Put the binoculars down. Your Mama’s right there. I’d be more concerned about the other child who seems to be wandering off…
that awesome 99 cents blog has even more defa lucy in another post!
it’s fantastic!
her daugher became the envy of all the kids in the neighbourhood with a rocket horse. she races for pinks against power wheels vehicles.
That’s what happens when you look at close mama through backwards binocular. Besides, what part or your far away mother are you looking at??
Everytime I see a Defa Lucy doll I think of “Deaf-A-Lucy” or “The Fallacy”.
At least Lucy admits she has a daughter instead of calling it a little sister.
@Quijotesca ROFL
Hello, I am Lucy. I am about to karate chop those binoculars all the way into Melancholy Monday!
It it true what they say about Japan’s technology being far more advanced than that of the US. That little girl’s got a rocket horse for god’s sake!
I’m Defa Lucy. I sell much better than my sister doll, Defa Kate, for some reason!
rocket horses in flight, sunday afternoon delight suuuunday afternoon delight.
Lucy looks a little like Anna Nicole Smith to me.
The rocket horse sounds kind of awesome.
“Rocket! I’m taking a rocket! I’m packing my suitcase! Hey look out moon!”
Sy Parrish: Just one set of pictures today Mrs. Yorkin?
Blast off into the sunset on your Rocket Horse.
Also available: The Crappy Monday(tm) doll set!
Team Rocket Horse BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!!
The slide board may be for the kid, but the “rocket horse” is definitely for Mommy!
how can she see her mama far away when shes standing right next to her ?
Kevin Federline doll sold separately
I want a rocket horse…