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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Our complete set service includes a pack of condoms and an excuse
Buy enough of one and she’ll forgive you for the other.
Hmmm, cake and coffee are ok for a romantic date, as long as you skip the hairdo and beauty salon part.
Madam, Can you tell me where I can have this cheater returned? It is not cheating as it should be.
Diamonds are forever! So are cheaters!
Baby, you’re so crazy! But just in case you find any stray blonde hairs or lipstick stains, I got you this necklace.
In chinese it’s supposed to say spectacles and jewellery. But I have no idea how “spectacles” managed to become “cheaters”
“Gosh, I hope he cheats again… I could use a new stove!”
So what they have Cheaters and Cake but no Chapel and they call it a ‘Complete Set Service’?
Hey, it worked for Gracie Allen!
There’s something floating in my cake coffee… must have been a crumb cake.
“… and here is a locket large enough to hold the still-beating heart of the bastard who cheated on you…”
Cheaters & Jewelry – Loaded dice necklaces 50% off!
This is the backstage area at the Maury Povich show.
each sold seperately
Golly gee, when you turn those heaters on
Woe is me, got to put my cheaters on!
— Frank Sinatra, “Jeepers Creepers”
“Cheaters” is an old slang word for glasses or spectacles in English.
I don’t even want to know what “complete set service” is. o.O
Hey, do you have any Konami Code necklaces here?
i need a necklace for my wife, she thinks i cheated on her with a length of fabric.
And little did he know that what he really spent $999.99 for was cubic zirconium.
I have heard of non-prescription eyeglasses (the kind which merely magnify slightly) referred to as “cheaters”. I guess their Chinese/English dictionary offered it as a synonym…
For example: http://www.cheatersreadingglasses.com/reading-glasses/pages.php?pageid=1
It kind of makes sense; the show’s budget is so low that they could only afford an office in a department store.
gild to cover your guilt.
Where can I get a divorce ring?
Nothing says romance like cheating
Mind if I get a cheater upgrade? This one’s obsolete.
If only *every* relationship was this clear and well organised… 😉
Route and calling points of train 1A69 to Dating and Romance…Another of the many efforts that British Rail made to try and get people back on the railways. Needless to say, it didn’t work… 🙂
(I know I’ll p[robabally get low rep for this as always…But ye have to admit; It *does* look a little bit like a trains stopping pattern! 😀 )
Looks like Joey Greco moved to China
How awkward! I ran into my wife in this store.
OMG DieselDragon is right, it does look like a British Rail schedule board. Boy, talk about the Age of the Train! (Unsavoury ideas about Sir Jimmy Saville are not my responsibility.)
“I’m sorry honey.”
One or more screens are alternatively arranged in a panoramic configuration. ,
We have the best jewelry in China. Comes with a complementary two-timer.
Cheaters buy Jewelry here for your spouse, so he/she wont feel guilty
This is a Bakerloo Line train to Elephant & Castle, via Coffee & Cake, Cheaters & Jewellery and Piccadilly Circus…