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I’m sick of all these dam rules…
posted on 4 May 2009 in Uncategorized
When visiting the dam petting zoo,
please do not feed the dam dirty apes…
Photo courtesy of Cindy Carl.
Found in Okinawa, Japan.
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This is what happens when you make your secretary work double-shifts… 😮
Due to offensive language the park decided to not put a n in Dam.
Okinawa prefecture Dam(n) office.
Thank you and have a nice Dam day.
Presumably, the Okinawa Prefecture has the highest incidence of depression and poor anger management for the whole of Japan! 🙂
1. No damn breakages,
2. Report to administration before entering the damn area,
3. No damn canvassers or businesses,
4. No damn swimming,
5. No damn noise,
6. No damn children!
Well if they’re going to be like that about tourists, maybe I won’t visit the Dam Park after all! 🙁
[After unsucessfully driving around for fifteen minutes trying to find a vacant parking space]
Grrr…Looks like there’s no Dam parking here, either! 😕
Frankly, I think I’d be better off visiting anotehr park – one where I don’t have to reveal my purposes.
This river be dammed!
All your dam are belong to us!
I would never occupu in this dam place.
I just lost any dam interest I had in the whole dam experience.
Man, there are a lot of dam regulations here. Must be all that dam water you are retaining.
Those visitors from Otehr think they own the dam place.
RULE 7: No cursing. Have some dam respect.
Somebody’s occupu-ing the dam latrines for purposes!
Hey! I lived here! I don’t remember this sign, but that was 12 years ago.
Dam! Dam! Dam! Dam!
Dam! Dam! Dam! Dam!
This is the place where you can find Cursed Grass/Tree
Souvenir dam T-shirts available at the Engrish Store on-line.
Some people just don’t give a dam
And the neighbouring water purifying plant is crap!
If you dam kids don’t start behaving, we’re going to turn this dam car around!
The first rule of the dam park: You don’t talk about the dam park.
Please enjoy the dam facilities – the Dam Authority
Due to low budgets, the “National Lampoons Japanese Vacation” reused some material from their previous films.
Darn all these dam rules!
This is going to wreck my whole dam vacation!
It could be worse, imagine if there was a dam park at THIS quaint little town:
If, however, you occupu the dam areas for no dam purpose whatsoever, there’s no need to report in.
Rule # 6. No litter please, take them back with you.
The dam officials think cats can read!
#3. Any profit making activities shall NOT BE NOT permitted in the dam area.
Does it mean that profit making activities are required?
So if I occupy the dam area for no purpose whatsoever, I don’t have to report to the Administration Office, do I?
Ooops! How did I miss that someone just covered that one already? Since that one is taken, I will say that I have always tried to avoid being a nuisance to otter visitors, who are so entertaining to watch.
Now just where can I get some dam bait??
gdo dam it lemme b!!
o wont be a nusiance to otehr people, i will however be a bother to tehse people.
“Must you always report to the Administrations Office every time you do something in the dam areas?”
Forget this dam park, I’m going to the effing theatre across the street
I think I’ll occupu my time at the dam movie tehater.
Now go ahead and enjoy the dam park!
And be respectful to the otehr dam tourists! We don’t want any dam trouble!
Is the Dam tour guide Arnie?
Where’s cousin Eddie? Did he get his Dam bait?
Hey you kids, get away from my dam reservoir!
1) Dam u
2) Dam this sign
3) Dam everything
Well dam!
Well dam, I’m in!
Okinawa Prefecture Dam Office sure doesn’t give a dam to the other dam visitors.
I don’t give the Janpanese a forking dam.
Be considerate of otehr visitors!